Chapter 11

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✄ Recap ✄
'I-I'm gonna get him back at lunch'

Namjoon and Yoongi barely made it to their first period so once they were seated they were gonna make a plan on how to get Jungkook back.

"Ok Namjoon I need your help I need to get back at Jungkook what should I do"

Namjoon thought hard what is one thing that u can do to a horny teenager.

"Yoongi why don't you sit on his lap and grind on it then after get off so he can feel uncomfortable with his boner"

Yoongi was so happy that he had a friend like Namjoon that had an IQ of 148 it was fun.

"Namjoon that's an amazing idea but we're did you get that idea from though"

As Yoongi said that Namjoon had a memory flashback to when he did that to his hyung for being a bad boy.

"I-I did it to J-Jin hyung one time because he was talking with this girl and she was flirting with him"

Yoongi smirked at the thought of Jin not being able to get some ass.

"Damn Namjoon never thought you would be a bottom that gives punishments"

Namjoon was flustered when he heard that because raven he got home his boyfriend snuck in and he got a punishment.

"W-well it didn't go to p-plan he p-punished me when I got h-home so I couldn't w-walk for a w-week"

When Yoongi heard that he wondered if he should go with the plan or not walk for a week but he said fuck it.

"Well I'm still gonna go through with the plan and if I can't walk he's gonna carry me"

Namjoon wished he had thought of that he could imagine his hyung carrying him around all day.

"I should have thought of that when it happens to me not fair"

Yoongi giggles at his friends actions it was to funny to think the guy looks like a top but is a bottom.(me)

"Well be ready to leave with me after it happens please!"

Namjoon thought he should leave with Yoongi so nothing would happen to him.

"Ok I'll leave with you after the plans done"

Lunch time bitches

"Namjoon,Jin hyung let's go sit with Jungkook and his friends please"

Namjoon knew what was gonna happen so he started to giggle and nod Jin was still and but he said yes.

"Hey Yoonie what are you doing here with Namjoon and Jin hyung"

Yoongi wanted to wait until he started his plan so he needed and excuse.

"Well hyung I want all of us to be friends so let's introduce this Namjoon and Jin hyung"

Jungkook was wondering what Yoongi was doing but he wanted to be friends with them so he thought why not.

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