Chapter 22

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ℒ Recap ℒ
'Yoongi just remembered that he was gonna have to face his hyung and his bestie he was hoping it would go good'

"Hyung I just remembered that Jin hyung said if I ever loose my virginity the person would die I think your gonna die today"

As Yoongi said that Jungkook felt a shiver run through his entire body he was gonna die today.

"Yoongi I think we should stay here on not go because I am not ready to die and I'm not ready to leave you"

Yoongi started to blush madly but he knew how to put his hyung in his place.

"Trust me Kookie hyung I know how to put Jin hyung in his place and if I don't just run"

Jungkook wasn't so sure that Yoongi could put jin hyung in his place but who knows he trusts his baby boy.

"It's ok I trust you baby boy but I think I can out run Jin hyung"

•Time skip•

"Come on hyung we got to hurry before Jin hyung and Namjoon get here"

Yoongi was rushing Jungkook so they didn't have to run into his hyung and best friend he was not having his boyfriend dead today.

"Ok ok calm down there not even here yet we're the firsts one in class today we have some time to relax"

As Jungkook said that he felt a strong grip on his shoulder and he knew he was gonna die.

"Well well look what we have here my child full of hickies can he's not even being carried"

Jin was about to beat up Jungkook until he looked over at Yoongi and saw him blinking his cat like eyes like a lost kitten.

"Hyungie please don't hurt Jungkookie I liked it and I wanted it"

元 Mama Jin mad 元ℇ Sooo ummm I have benchmarks this week but I only have to do the reading one and not the math one since I'm in algebra teehee also haven't done my algebra hw teehee if any1 does bts edits text me on here and I'll give u my insta s...

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元 Mama Jin mad 元
ℇ Sooo ummm I have benchmarks this week but I only have to do the reading one and not the math one since I'm in algebra teehee also haven't done my algebra hw teehee if any1 does bts edits text me on here and I'll give u my insta so I can get them plz ℇ

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