Chapter 31

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✢ Recap ✢
'Jin nodded and wanted to see what Jungkook was doing and ask him if it was true what Lisa said because if it was their would be some violence involved.'

Jungkook was at the hospital because his grandma was there and he didn't know what he would do if something bad happened to her.

"Grandma how come you didn't tell me you were like my mom to me"

She didn't know what to say she just looked at her lap while her grandson was holding her hand for dear life and asking for her explanation.

"I-I didn't k-know how to tell you I was a s-scared that y-you wouldn't c-care"

Jungkook was shocked how could she believe that he loved her he was like a mother figure to him since his parents were always at work.

"G-grandma how could you think that you know I love you with all my heart"

Both of the Jeons bursted our crying and started holding each other Jungkook made a decision to stay with her till she's getting better.

"Well from now on I'm gonna stay with you grandma and nothing can change my mind"

She looked at him and knew she wouldn't be able to change his mind since he was stubborn just like her.

"Fine fine but what are you gonna tell your parents"

Jungkook didn't care what his parents said they didn't seem to care for him because they were always on business trips.

"They're never home grandma so it doesn't matter I'll just give them a call"

She just nodded to him and was happy that her grandchild was gonna stay with her and take care of her.

"I'm grateful for you Jungkook I hope you know that"

Jungkook just stood up and walked over to the hospital bed and gave her a hug until he felt something buzzing in his pocket.

He pulled away from his grandma and grabbed his phone to see his hyung calling him.


Jungkook just pulled his phone away from his ear and walked out of the room so his grandma could rest.

"I'm sorry hyung I'm at the hospital because my grandma is here"

Jin could tell that his dongsaeng was telling the truth from they tone of his voice he started feeling bad for yelling at him.

"Aww I'm sorry to hear that Jungkook sorry for yelling at you but I just wanted to tell you something"

"It's ok hyung you didn't know but what did you want to tell me"

Jin didn't know if he should tell him because he might get mad but he knew that he needed to be mad because it was a good reason.

"Well you see my dear Yoonie came to me crying in lunch because your bitch of a ex was telling him shit that better not be real because if it is I'm gonna kill the both of you"

Jungkook was shocked to say the least he never excepted for Lisa to be telling his baby things that weren't true but he wondered what she said.

"Tell me hyung tell me what she said"

"Well from what Yoongi told me she said that you were pretending to like him and that you were only using him and that you wanted her back"

Jungkook's blood was boiling he couldn't believe what he was hearing everything was a lie he would never want someone like her and he loved his baby never wanted to leave him ever.

"Trust me hyung everything she said is total bullshit I will never leave my baby for some crazy bitch like her"

Jin smiled from what he was hearing from the younger.

"That's good because if you said something else I might have gone to prison for murder of two people"

"Of course hyung but I have to leave now I'll be there at the end of the day to take Yoongi home and cuddle him"

Jungkook saw the doctor walk in to his grandmas room so he had to be there and see what they had to say.

"Aw ok Jungkook hopefully your grandma gets better bye"

Jungkook hung up on his hyung and raced to his grandmas room and was ready to hear what the doctor had to say.

✵ He's deserves the whole world ✵Heyy it's me yea I'm bored also why does Wattpad have to have a limit on how big a gif has to be like come on also rlly scared to go to high school bc I just saw my schedule for next year like scaryyy

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✵ He's deserves the whole world ✵
Heyy it's me yea I'm bored also why does Wattpad have to have a limit on how big a gif has to be like come on also rlly scared to go to high school bc I just saw my schedule for next year like scaryyy

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