Chapter 35

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≶ Recap ≶
'Jungkook just looked at his dongsaeng and
started chuckling while walking over.'

As Jungkook and Yoongi we're nearing the hospital Yoongi couldn't help but start thinking of all the possibilities that could happen.

"Calm down baby don't be nervous she'll love you"

Jungkook looked at Yoongi with a reassuring smile n put his hand on his thigh so he could calm down.

Yoongi smiled at how his boyfriend knew him so well and put his small hand over his larger hand and started to calm down.

"I know Jungkookie it's just that I'm scared I'm gonna do something wrong"

"It's gonna be ok baby you'll do fine"

Yoongi felt himself calming down while his hyung was still driving to the hospital but he knew they would be there any moment.

•Time skip•

Yoongi and Jungkook were walking down the hall looking for the room number of Jungkook's grandmother.

Jungkook opened the door and ran the bed hugging his grandma in a bone crushing hug.

"Woah calm down there boy I still need to see your cute boyfriend"

They both turned around to see Yoongi standing there with a red face looking down at his feet while holding his hand together.

"Aww dear come here I don't bite I'm too old for that now"

Yoongi slowly walked over to Jungkook's grandma and put his hand out for her.

"No need to be stiff my boy I won't attack come over here and give me a hug"

Yoongi went in for the hug with Mrs.jeon and pulled back to see her smiling at him.

"Well now can I know your name"

"M-min Yoongi"

Mrs.jeon silently cooed at the cute boy infront of her.

"Well it's nice to meet you Yoongi my name is Jeon y/n"

"I-it's nice to m-meet you too"

Jungkook grabbed his hand and squeezed it as a reassurance to his baby and smiled down at him for doing so good.

"Well it's finally nice to meet you Yoongi I have been waiting to finally see you after all I've heard from Jungkookie he would talk on and on about you all day long"

Yoongi smiled at that while Jungkook face grew red.

"GRANDMA stop embarrassing me"

Mrs.jeon chuckled at seeing her grandson getting embarrassed infront of his boyfriend.

"Oh calm down Jungkook I'm just teasing and it doesn't seem to bother Yoongi from what I can tell"

Jungkook looked over at his boyfriend and saw him blushing while smiling widely at him.

"Well if Yoonie doesn't have a problem with it then I'm ok with getting embarrassed by you"

As Jungkook, Yoongi, and Mrs.jeon continued to talk all Yoongi could do was remember how perfect his meeting with Mrs.jeon went and he was happy that he met someone so special to his boyfriend and that he made a good impression.

⇞ shy kitten ⇞Sooo I'm back and it almost the one year anniversary of this book soo ima try to write everyday Ik I've been saying that ima tru this time promise

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⇞ shy kitten ⇞
Sooo I'm back and it almost the one year anniversary of this book soo ima try to write everyday Ik I've been saying that ima tru this time promise

Author p ♥︎

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