Chapter 6

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♪ Recap ♪
'Well Jungkook lets get started on out project before we run out of time'

"Yea let's get started what should we do for our project and when should we start"

Yoongi started to think on what they should for the project.

"Why don't we do a study on Bernoulli principle it's states that when the increase of speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in the fluids potential energy"

All Jungkook could think about was how the younger remembered that how pretty and serious he said it.

"Y-yea lets do that we can do it at my place today after school if that ok with you"

Jungkook told Yoongi hoping the younger would agree so they could get closer.

"Yea I can go my parents don't care but I have to be home no later then 9:30"

Jungkook was filled with excitement to finally be friends with younger it's like all the weight on his shoulders just vanished like that.

Jungkook wished he could talk longer with the younger but the bell is about to ring so he should get back to his seat and get ready for his next.

"Well Jungkook hyung I'll see you later bye"

"Bye Yoongi"

After school 🏫 (too lazy sorry)

"Hey Yoongi why are you in such a hurry"

Yoongi stopped running and looked backed at his hyung to tell him where he's going.

"Sorry Jin hyung I'm going to Jungkook hyungs house to do a project with him"

When Jin heard Jungkook's Name her froze right at the spot.

"What do you mean your going to his house and when did you start calling him hyung"

Yoongi knew his hyung would react like how he is right now.

"It's ok hyung he apologized to me today at class and told me why he bullied me we made up and now we're friends"

Jin was shocked from what he was hearing from that mouths of Yoongi'a

"Ok fine but if he hurts you he will be split in two when I see him"

Yoongi started laughing at what his hyung said but he looked serious so he stopped.

"H-hyung your kidding right yea you are so I'm gonna leave now so bye"

Yoongi ran fast to the school entrance and saw Jungkook waiting for him.

"Hey Jungkook hyung sorry for being late Jin hyung was asking why we were gonna hang out but don't worry I told him we were cool"

When Jungkook heard Yoongi said that he was scared but he heard the last part and sighed in relief.

"Ok I hope he doesn't kill me but let's go to my house now to start"

Yoongi was happy to be with his new hyung now but in his stomach something was fluttering with happiness.

"I forgot about yea let's go now"

10 minutes later

"Where here Yoongi do u want something when we get inside"

Jungkook really hoped he would say yes because damn he really wanted something because he didn't get to eat anything at lunch.

"Yes hyung can I get some water please"

☕︎ Me and my friend wish we were short ☕︎

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☕︎ Me and my friend wish we were short ☕︎

Author p ♥︎

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