Chapter 8

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☪︎ Recap ☪︎
'S-sure hyung but can you turn around while I put it on'

"Why Yoongi you don't want me to see you or something"

Yoongi liked the way the older said that in his deep voice it made him blush and think of dirty things.(never have I ever thought of dirty things😅)

"N-no I'm just shy can u please turn around hyung"

Jungkook thought for a second should he continue to tease his dongsaeng or let him breath.

"Fine I'll turn around but I'll only give you a minute so be quick"

As Jungkook said that Yoongi changed fast even though his heart told him to take longer but his mind said other wise.

"Ok I'm done Kookie hyung"

Jungkook's heart wanted to pop out at that instant just by hearing that's soft voice saying "Kookie hyung".

"Yoongi you look perfect with my sweater you can keep it if you want"

Yoongi started to blush at the thought of him getting to keep his hyung's clothes and wear to sleep every night.

"T-thank you hyung for letting me keep this I love it because it smells like you"

Jungkook started to blush from the thought of Yoongi liking the way he smelled.(idk weird🤷🏻‍♂️)

"Your welcome Yoonie now come to bed I'm tired"

Yoongi was still not sure if he would be comfortable but he thought Jungkook than what would happen.

"Ok hyung let's go to sleep"

Jungkook was ready to sleep with Yoongi and to cuddle with him in the night and make up and excuse int he morning why.

"Goodnight Kookie hyung"

"Goodnight Yoonie"

Time skip

Yoongi was awake and he felt two sting arms around his waist and something poking his butt.

"Hyung can you let go of me we have school"

Jungkook was awake for the past 30 minutes waiting for his dongsaeng to wake up to see how he would react to his morning wood.

"Hyung what's poking my butt"

Jungkook wanted to tease his Yoonie just a little bit this morning.

"Here give me your hand and I'll show you ok"

Yoongi really wanted to know so he gave his hyung his hand.

"H-hyung is that what I think it is"

Yoongi was so flustered he wanted to just hide and not show himself.

"Yes it is Yoonie can you help with it it's bothering me"
(No smut maybe idk)

"Yes it is Yoonie can you help with it it's bothering me"(No smut maybe idk)

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☙ My gayass was gonna update yesterday but I was too lazy ☙

Author p ♥︎

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