Chapter 5

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After lunch 🥄

Both Yoongi and Jungkook both remembered they had class with each other both at that moment got nervous.

"Ok class today you will be partnered to do a science project"

All around the class everyone was groaning from hearing that but Yoongi was really excited to get another A in this class.

"I will be assigning the partners so don't get your horses up yet kids"

Mrs.Jung said while laughing but everyone in her class was giving her death glares while Yoongi was squealing from excitement to start the project.

"Park yong-ah and Shin hye-yoo"

"Han soo-bin and Sung kim-woo"

"Kang hyo-jee and Lee sang-soo"

"Choi je-kyung and Kim ha-ah"

"Han ha-jin and Jung eun-ri"

"Shin rae-hoon and Park soo-ae"

"And lastly but not least Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook"

Both Yoongi and Jungkook looked up from their desk and had their eyes widened.

"What Mrs.Jung I don't want to be with him I don't like Jungkook"

Just as Yoongi said something in Jungkook just shattered into pieces but he didn't know why.

"Mr.Min continue with your actions and you will certainly find yourself in detention with me"

Yoongi just huffed and sat down and just wanted to get the project over with before he had to even talk to Jungkook.

"You all get to talk to your partners for the rest of the class and discuss on what project you will do"

Everyone started moving their desks together and started discussing with each other except for Yoongi and Jungkook.

Jungkook made the first move and stood up and walked over to Yoongi and wanted to confess to him.

"Listen Yoongi I wanted to confess you why I bully you I know your probably not gonna believe but I'm really truly sorry the reason I bullied you was not because your some nerd it because I envied you for getting everything right without studying and being on the top of class always when I try to study and fail I just really want to get pass this i know you probably still gonna hate me but I just wanted to restart and become friends and I wanted to ask if you could help i'll pay you if you want but can restart so here it goes Hi my names Jeon Jungkook want to be friends"

During Jungkooks confession Yoongi was wondering if he should forgive him or not and actually be friends with Jungkook but as he was finishing he started to feel something that just wanted to be friends with the confessing boy right infront of him.

"Hi my names Min Yoongi and I would love to be friends"

Both of them were overly excited to become friends and maybe even something more in the future.

"Well Jungkook lets get started on our project before we run out of time"

"Well Jungkook lets get started on our project before we run out of time"

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☮︎ They finally made peace between each other ☮︎

Author p ♥︎

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