Chapter 9

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⚜︎ Recap ⚜︎
'Yes it is Yoonie can you help with it it's bothering me'

"Hyung I've never done stuff like this before I don't know what I should do"

Jungkook was grinning from ear to ear at how cute his dongsaeng how come he never noticed it was a mistake to him.

"Well Yoonie you could use your mouth or hand but I prefer your mouth better"

Yoongi was flustered from the thought of him having his mouth around Jungkook's dick.

"I-I'll use my mouth but you better not fucking tell anyone ok hyung"

Jungkook wanted to do something to the damn mouth of Yoongi's but he thought it was too early for that.

"Fine I won't tell anyone Yoonie just do it already"

Yoongi slid between Jungkook's legs and pulled down the waistband of his hyungs underwear down and to say he was shock was an understatement.

"Umm hyung how is that gonna fit in my mouth it's too big"

Jungkook was excited to test if Yoongi had a gag reflex.(I do 🤧🥺)

"Well were gonna test to see if that pretty little mouth has a gag reflex"

Just as Yoongi heard that he felt some drool on his chin and wondered if it's because he's hungry or because of his hyung's dick.

"Ok hyung here I go"

Yoongi started to kitten lick The head of his dick.Yoongi wanted to see if his hyung was having a good time so he looked up with his innocent eyes.

"Y-Yoonie your doing a g-great job"

Jungkook wanted his dongsaeng to go faster but he didn't want to push his luck so he controlled himself.

"Yoonie can y-you go a little faster p-please"

Yoongi started to bob his head up and down and for some reason he could fit Jungkook's length in his mouth.

"Is itg goud"

Jungkook didn't understand his Yoonie but he had an idea what he was trying to say.

"Y-Yes Yoonie it's amazing keep doing what your doing"

Yoongi was proud of himself for his first time giving a blowjob it seemed that he was doing a good job.

"Yoongi Y-Yoongi Yoongi baby boy"

Yoongi was surprised from what he was called from his hyung but he started to bob his head up and down at a faster pace to see if his hyung would cum.

"Y-Yes Yoongi just like keep d-doing that"

Yoongi felt Jungkook's dick twitch in his mouth and he felt his hyung grab his hair and started going at his own pace.

"Sorry Yoonie but I wanna cum"

Yoongi understood so the only thing he did was nod.One more twitch if Jungkook's and cock and Yoongi had a warm substance in his mouth and he swallowed it.

"Thank you Yoonie for that "

Yoongi was flustered from the thought that he just gave his hyung his first blowjob.

"Y-your welcome hyung now I know that I don't have a gag reflex"

Yoongi picked up his phone and saw the time and he internally screamed.


♫ First time writing smut tell me how it was ♫

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♫ First time writing smut tell me how it was ♫

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