Chapter 4

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♞ Recap ♞
'You guys are no fun but I'll let you leave for now'

Jungkook's POV

Just has I said that they ran off like the chickens they are I thought and chuckled to myself.

"Hey Jungkook hyung can we go to lunch"

Finally someone I like to talk to about my problems.

"Sure Hoseok"

I wonder why he's not with Taehyung and Jimin isn't this the time he's gives both of them head in the restroom.

"Why are you with me Hoseok shouldn't you be giving head"

Just as I said that Hoseok turned into a tomato looking at the ground almost bumping into a door. (happened to me before)

"W-well I wanted to ask you why do you have to bully Yoongi"

Damn just hearing that nerds name gets me boiling ughh.

"I don't know but I will tell you soon because I know you want to be friends with him"

I looked over at him and i saw in his eyes was excitement because he loves making friends.

"Fine I'll tell you now but don't tell anyone ok"

Hoseok started jumping and squealing and hugging me like ew. (Jk I love hobi)

"The reason I bully him is because I'm envious of him like I study for hours and still fail when he doesn't even try to study like that's why but I would really wanna be friends with him though he has a nice ass"

Hoseok started to hit at the last part of my confession I don't know why when he gives head every Wednesday and Friday during lunch.

"Hyung why don't you just tell him you guys could be a cute couple I could help if you want"

I mean what's the problem is he doesn't want to be friends I get I wouldn't want to be friends with me either but maybe we can become something more.

"Yes I would actually really like that thank you Hoseok for finally making me realize what a douche bag I've been"

Maybe just maybe I could get three new friends or two and a cute boyfriend.

"Yo wassup Jungkook hyung Hey baby boy"

I looked over at Hoseok to see him flustered at what Jimin just said.

"Sup Jimin sup Taehyung"

Damn I guess Taehyung gave Jimin head or something because his hair is messed up and he has stains on his shirt that are crunchy.
(Don't ask me how I know how that looks like)

"Sup Jungkook hyung Hey sunshine"

Hoseok is such a Bottom damn I wish I had someone that would be like that with me.

"Master you have to clean up after giving head"

Right after he said that the bell signaling that lunch is over and it's time for classes ugh.

"We'll see you guys after school I have to pass this class"

Maybe I should say sorry to Yoongi and ask him for help so I can pass.

"Bye Jungkook hyung"

They all said in unison.

♚ (Dom protecting his bottoms) ♚

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♚ (Dom protecting his bottoms) ♚

Author p ♥︎

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