Chapter 37

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☽ Recap ☽
'He was slowly falling asleep ready to go shopping for an outfit for the party with his best friend.'

Yoongi woke up to a text from Namjoon telling him to get ready so they could go shopping for an outfit for the party and to be outside in 20 minutes.

He sent a quick reply saying that he was getting ready and would be out by the time he shows up.

Yoongi got up and went to his restroom to start his morning routine and pop off at the party.

As he was brushing his teeth he wondered if his relationship with Jungkook would go on till they both died he started daydreaming about getting married and adopting children.

He hoped that they would last and he was sure that they were but he knew that they would have fights but he knew they were gonna get stronger from them.

Yoongi finished his routine and started getting an outfit when he heard a beep outside.

He was running downstairs to see his parents looking through the windows to see who was beeping their car.

"Mom dad Namjoon is outside we're going shopping for a party tonight can I go to both"

"You can go to both son but be careful and come back by 12"

Yoongi screamed internally and went to give his parents a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

He walked out and opened the door to Namjoon's car and he was off like the sound of light.

"So Yoonie are you ready to get sexy and make our boyfriends honey for our asses"

Yoongi punched his best friends arm and blushed while nodding Namjoon just chuckled at his bestfriends antics.

"Y-yea I am hopefully this night goes good and we just have fun"

Namjoon nodded but he wanted to see if he could ask Yoongi about his fight with Lisa.

"Yoonie is it ok if I ask you a how your fight with Lisa went"

Yoongi nodded wanting to tell his best friend how he shit her up.

"Yea so me and Jungkook walked up to her and we just started like going at each other and I could tell she was getting mad so  I hit her we're it hurt and she got all butthurt and walked off"

Namjoon looked at his bestfriend with so much pride and proudness for overcoming his bully and telling her off.

"That's good Yoonie I'm so proud of you good thing that you shut her up real quick"

"Yea I'm proud of myself and so was Jungkook  he thought I was s-sexy"

Yoongi whispered the last part but Namjoon could hear it well and just smirked at him while chuckling.

"Well I'm guessing someone is gonna get laid tonight"

As Namjoon finished that sentence Yoongi was blushing madly and hiding his face behind his hands until he saw the mall coming into view.

⚆ besties ⚆sooo are u guys ready for the teaser photos tmwr I'm gonna scream teehee I can't wait to see Taehyung's new hair I will be like screaming

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⚆ besties ⚆
sooo are u guys ready for the teaser photos tmwr I'm gonna scream teehee I can't wait to see Taehyung's new hair I will be like screaming

Author p ♥︎

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