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Rolling over, my eyes flick open as my balance fails and I am suddenly acquainted with the rough carpet of my bedroom floor.

A string of curse words escape my lips as I push myself up.


The musical voice hits my ears lightly, but brightens my mood instantly. I hop up, my head just appearing over the bed.

"Jasper! You stayed," I smile brightly and vault the mattress, landing right next to him.

His lips pull up to the left. "Of course I did."

I let my eyes slip over him, lieing shirtless with my thin duvet draped over his lean legs. He doesn't seem to belong in such a bland room, and would probably look more at home at the top of Mount Olympus.

"Every morning, I wake up and wonder if you're real and it wasn't just all a glorious dream," I say, dragging my finger down his forearm.

He shuts his eyes, humming contentedly as I trace the bite marks along his arm. I take my time, memorising the details, as I do most mornings.

"Can you remember how you got these? Or are there too many?" I ask, fascinated by the intricate overlapping bites covering his impenetrable skin.

"If I care to think about it, I'm sure I could. But let's talk about something more cheerful," he says.


"Like what we're going to do for our date," he says, smiling up at me.

I gasp, suddenly excited. "I forgot. What are we going to do?"

Jasper brings his hand up to touch my cheek, putting on an exaggerated thinking expression. "I'm not sure...maybe we could do something after Bella's party?"

I pause. "Bella's party?"

A sly smile spreads over his face. "Do you really think Alice would let Bella get away without a party?"

I laugh. "No, I suppose not."

"Edward's reminded me to keep my distance," he says, a dark look coming into his topaz eyes.

My lips pull down into a frown. "What warning?"

He shifts uncomfortably, almost mumbling. "When he first met Bella he told me to keep my distance, just in case."

"What? That's ridiculous!" I say, indignation rising in my chest.

"It's understandable," he says, smiling faintly. "I haven't been known for my exemplary self control..."

"Jaz, that's rubbish. How can you be this close with me and have bad self control?" I ask, holding his chin in place so he'll look at me.

"It's different with you. Very different," he mutters dejectedly.

"How so?"

He sighs, stroking my cheek. "I'm not sure how you do it, but when I'm with you, my thirst dies down. I almost can't feel it."


"Yes. Well, as long as you aren't kissing me," he teases.

I smirk playfully and lean down a little. "Hmm? I didn't notice."

"But when your skin touches mine, even in the middle of school, all the burning disappears," he says, smiling softly. "Even my siblings have noted that your presence helps with it, but nothing as strong as me."

I hover above his face, studying the details of his hypnotically captiving golden eyes.

But I lean back before our lips can meet, and grin devilishly at him. His eyes narrow, and then flips us so I'm pinned underneath him.

"Don't tease," he growls, staring intensely into my eyes.

He leans down to kiss my neck, and chills spread along my skin. His hand supports the small of my back as the other cups my face.

"Jaz, we need to go to school," I say breathily, my eyelids fluttering shut.

"I think we have some time to spare," he murmers, brushing his lips next to my ear.

Goosebumps rise over my body as he continues down my neck to my collarbone. He decides to suck on the skin just above the bone, a happy growl rumbling in his chest as a moan escapes my lips.

Then he freezes, cocking his head to the side. I hear it a second later; Charlie's heavy steps on the creaky stairs.

"Roll," I whisper.

Jasper rolls, but with a playful grin, brings me with him. I'm wrapped in a steel cage, protected when we hit the floor with a surprisingly soft thud.

"Jordan?" Charlie asks, knocking.

"Yeah?" I reply, peaking over the bed as he comes in.

His eyes narrow, sweeping the room for any evidence of male clothing; but I thought of that last night, so there's nothing. Expect the fact that Jasper is lying underneath me, imitating a statue of a Greek God.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asks.

"I...was asleep and you startled me," I say, hoping he can't see the blush rising on my face from Jasper's hands on my thighs.

"Oh. Right, sorry. I was just reminding you it's Bella's birthday," he says.

"I'm not going to forget my own sister's birthday," I say, rolling my eyes.

Jasper kisses my shoulder, still managing to keep hidden. I bite the inside of my cheek in an attempt to retain my causal expression.

"So, Charlie, would you mind? I...need to get dressed," I say, smiling lopsidedly.

He gets really flustered, and practically runs from the room. As soon as he's gone, Jasper sits up with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Jaz, what the hell!" I hiss, still red.

I'm cut off by his lips, and have no choice but to melt into his touch; winding my arms around his neck and savouring his taste.

"Erm," there's an awkward cough. "We're gonna be late..."

A heavy sigh slips through my lips as I pull back an inch from Jasper. I don't take my eyes from his. "I know, Bella. I'm sure Edward will drive you."

"Okay...see you at school."

"Bella!" I call, turning to her. "Happy birthday."

She grimaces. "Thanks."

"What's up with her?" Jasper asks once she leaves.

"She's not happy about being physically older than Edward," I say, frowning.

"Hey, don't deprive me of your breathing-taking smile," he says, kissing me swiftly.

"We have to go to school," I say, smiling brightly.

Jasper shakes his head and leans our foreheads together. "You wouldn't believe how many times I've been through highschool..."

"I probably would. But, you'll come because I'm going," I say, smirking.

I jump off his lap, breaking his hold purely from surprise. He looks at me with pouty golden eyes.

"Don't do that, I have a Biology paper to put in," I say.

"Fine...I'll bring the car around," he says, putting on his shirt with an exaggerated sigh.

I watch him disappear out of the window, and can't help the smile growing on my face. If I get to wake up to him for the rest of my life, I'll never want for anything more.

But I cannot wait to see Bella's face tonight.

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