[Drastic Changes And A Discovery]

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I'm shaken awake by Charlie, kneeling next to me; still in his police uniform; with wide worried eyes.

It takes a moment for me to register I'm lying on the floor, with one hell of a headache.

"Jordan, what happened?" He asks, helping me up.

"I think I passed out," I say, then groan and press a hand to my forehead.

"What time?"

I think for a moment. "Around two am. That's when I got off the phone with Jasper and Bella had her nightmare."

"Jordan, this is not healthy. I know she's your sister and all, but you have to look after yourself as well," Charlie sighs, frowning deeply.

"You sound like Jasper," I mutter, walking through to the kitchen.

"Well, then I think I like him even more."

"I can't let you go without sleep, Charlie. You have to work," I say, yawning and pouring milk into my cereal.

"You've just poured milk into an empty bowl."

I look down. "Oh."

Once I have my cereal, I sit down at the table and he joins me. It's quiet for a few minutes while I eat.

"Jordan, when was the last time you spent an entire night in your bed," he says softly.


Charlie let's out a heavy breath that ruffles his moustache. I grimace at my fast reply, knowing it's effect.

I'm done with the cereal, so I push it away and rub my eyes again. "Look, I have to go. Bella wants to go see Jacob Black."

As I leave the kitchen, Charlie says one last thing. "Jordan, this is your holiday too. Don't spend it looking after Bella. Go find a hobby, anything around town that you enjoy." With that, he goes to work.

I have a shower, and notice a sizable bruise on my side. It must be from where I fell. The hot water runs over my skin and relaxes my tense muscles.

While in there, I realise how matted and totted my hair has become due to my not brushing it. I've been too busy with...other things.

I throw on some clothes without looking, and meet Bella in the hallway. There's something more alive about her today, and I'm not happy about it.

That sounds awful, but I think considering the conversation we had last night I have a right to be worried.

"Hey, are you nearly ready?" She ass.

"Yeah. Bells," I say as she passes me. "Can you drop me off at the hairdressers on the way, please?"

She seems shocked. "You aren't coming with me?"

"I don't know Jacob as well as you. Plus, I think it would benefit you with some time alone with another person."

Bells shrugs, nodding sadly and shuts the bathroom door. I return to my room and shove some stuff into a bag.

I've chosen to swap out my old necklace for the one Jasper gave me, getting into the habit of wearing every day. It seems to help with the Mason West situation.

The drive is silent, but not uncomfortable. As we pull up to the salon, Bella bites her lip, a telltale sign she has something to say so I wait patiently.

"Jordan, I'm really sorry," she whispers. "I overheard Charlie this morning."

"Bella, it's okay. You were there for me when I've been through patches like this. I don't mind looking out for you," I say, smiling gently.

"But you didn't keep me up to the point I collapsed from exhaustion," she says, frowning guiltily.

There isn't much I can say. She is right. But I don't mind it, Bella is my little sister and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for her.

"I'm better now, though," she says, and I'm not sure who she's trying to convince.

"I'm glad, Bells. It's been awful seeing you so down," I frown.

"Well, you won't have to worry about me anymore," she says, plastering a big smile on her face.

I see straight through it.

"Then I hope you have a good day with Jacob," I say, smiling back.

The truck pulls away a few seconds after I get out; banging and clanging all the way down the road.

I took my driving test sometime in November, so I should have my licence soon, and then I can legally drive that beautiful car parked in the yard.

The hairdresser gets me in, and I point out a picture I printed earlier. Her eyes widen a little, surprised at the drastic cut.

My hair is just past my shoulders now, and hangs in lovely ringlets. But I don't like it. I'm not sure why, but I can't stand it anymore.

I've always been lucky with how my hair is. If it's short, it doesn't curl. If it's long, it does, leaving me with a lot of options.

The picture I've showed her has a short back and side, with a long fringe on one side. I admit, it's drastic, but I like it.

"Is there any type of design you'd like on the shaved side?" She asks me.

My fingers brush the vibrant blue of my necklace. "A lightening bolt, please."


Watching her cut away my hair was almost therapeutic in way I don't understand. But the shape of my hair is one I prefer.

I'm walking home, trying not to shiver as the cold wind laps at my bare neck. Charlie's words keep circling in my head, but I can't think of any hobbies. Well, there is one, but I guard it carefully.

Kind of like my fighting, but even Bella doesn't know, no one in my life knows I can play the guitar. Quite well, I might say. Kevin taught me, and I've kept it up since.

Unfortunately, I forgot my guitar in Phoenix, and keep meaning to buy a new one. But that would give it away completely.

A colourful flyer catches my eye as I pass it. But it's not the colours that draw me back; it's the symbol painted faintly in the background.

I squint, making sure it is what I think. But, sure enough, it is. Not many people know what it stands for, but I do.

The symbol is a marker for underground fighting rings.

There's a bare-knuckle fighting ring here.

In Forks.

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