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A split second before Jane's eyes turn to me, Jasper has roared loud and wildly, flitting from my side towards her.

But before he can reach her, Jane locks her eyes onto him, and he freezes in place.

Even from the back, I can tell his teeth are clenched in a snarl. The muscles in his back have jumped out, and he sinks down to one knee.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yell, energy suddenly appearing in me.

A twinge of amusement passes over Aro's face, and I long to wipe it off with my fist. But I know that would do no good.

Instead, I run to Jasper's side. I cup his face, stroking his cold skin in hopes of soothing his very obvious pain.

His teeth are clenched, his top lip curled back slightly in a snarl that I can hear rumbling in his chest.

"Jaz, look at me. C'mon, look at me. Remember this?" I pull up the necklace he gave me from under my shirt. "I've still got it. Been wearing it every day for months."

I can't tell what's going on behind me, but I don't care. All my focus is on Jasper.

His eyes do find the necklace slowly, a relaxed look spreading over him. After a minute, Jasper stands, taking me up with him.

The surprise in the room is palatable. And the glare coming from Jane sends chills down my spine.

Even Jasper seems shocked. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" I ask, my brow pulling together.

"Jane, no!" Edward yells.

A cold hand grips my arm with enough force to break it. Jasper reaches to grab me, but I'm wrenched away far too quickly.

Teeth sink at my neck, then fire enters my veins. Bella's voice echoes off of the stone walls.

The last thing I hear before everything is overtaken by the fire, is Jasper's bass, snarling roar that erupts with fury, mixed with my own agonised screams.

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