[He Will Always Be There]

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Adrian and I walk out of the trees, laughing and red faced from running. My heart feels lighter in my chest than it has in weeks.

I can hear the sea crashing against the rocks, and smell the salt on the air. The sound, for once, brings a squrim of anxiety to my stomach. I haven't been near the ocean since I saw Victoria.

"What music were you listening to?" Adrian asks.

"Huh?" I say, snapping my eyes back to him. "Oh. Er, Avicii."

"Nice. You have good taste."

"I know."

We laugh again. I find my smile coming easier than it has in months. I like this kid.

Two people poke their heads out of a doorway, and I recognise the waterfall of black hair.

"Hey, Bella," I greet as we near them. "Jacob."

"Hi, Jordan. What are you doing here?" She asks, looking at Adrian warily.

Jacob is doing the same. His stance is tense and stand-offish, which makes me frown. I can't understand why he's looking at him like that.

"I went for a run, and met Adrian who offered to drive me home because of how late it is," I explain.

"Oh, right. Well, I'm going home now so I can give you a lift," Bella says, smiling faintly.

"Are you sure? I really don't mind," Adrian says.

"I'm sure. Come on, Jordan. Let's go," Bella says, then turns to Jacob. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"'Course. Drive safe," he mumbles distractedly, not taking his eyes from Adrian.

Bella grabs my arm and pulls me away, while Jacob glares warily at Adrian with his shoulders squared.

"See you," I call, a little bit confused.

"Yeah..." He says, nodding with a small smile. "It was nice to meet you, Swan."

When I get into Bella's truck, I give her an odd look. But she keeps her gaze on Adrian until we are facing the opposite direction.

"What the hell was that?" I ask after a few minutes.

"You need to stay away from him."


"Because he's part of Sam Uley's little cult," she says spitting out the name like poison.

"I have no idea who that is."

"Just trust me when I say, those kids are people to steer clear of," Bella says.

"Adrian seems nice enough. And I trust my judgement on people," I reply stubbornly.

"Yeah, well, I trust Jake. He says those guys are nothing but trouble. So stay away from him."

Bella's tone is final, and for the first time in my life, I feel like the younger sister.

The rest of the drive is quiet, and I take some time to really look at the countryside in this area.

It's truly beautiful, but with a deep wildness to it. It's everything I love. The exact opposite of Pheonix.

Arizona is just barren land with an unbearable amount of heat day in, day out. Although here, rain is a given, it has some variety in the day to day.


When we walk through the door, the look on Charlie's face says it all and we both apologise immediately.

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