[A Cullen]

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Falling towards the crashing waves, I make a desperate grab for Bella and pull her close to me. She gasps, clearly not expecting me.

We plummet, and my breath seems to be sucked from my chest as wind whips past us with a painful sting.

I'm certain we are about to die. This isn't a dream. Nothing is going to make the wild ocean disappear before we hit it.

But even though my thoughts are morbid, and terror grips my chest so tight it might possibly burst, I can't close my eyes. The impulse to keep them open overrides any fear of watching my death approach.

We hit the water, and I clamp my mouth shut. I'm freezing in a matter of milliseconds, being thrown around like a ragdoll while trying my best not to take in a breath.

Bella panics a bit, and I kick my legs to push us up. We break the water, gasping and trying to shake our wet hair from our eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I scream, glaring at Bella with the intensity to set a fire.

But she doesn't have time to reply, as her features contort in panic. I only manage to glance to where her widened eyes are staring before a gigantic wave pushes us both under again.

I flail, trying to get my head above the water. My chest feels like something is pushing against it, desperately attempting to burst out. I am at the ocean's mercy as the waves buffet me about, closer and closer to the cliff wall.

I lose sight of Bella quickly, but catch a glimpse of her somewhere beneath me.

I also see something else, the faintest blur of red hair. It's enough to bring up a spark of panic, one that spurs me not up, to daylight and air, but down.

To Bella.

The pressure in my lungs is getting painful. Even though I cannot swim, going down isn't hard. It's a struggle to control my direction, but the darkness is welcoming.

My almost numb hands finally find Bella's limp form. I begin to pull us up, but realise the problem.

With the two of us, it is too heavy. So using the last of my strength, I grit my teeth and push Bella towards the surface. The effort is what finally releases the pressure in my chest, and water pours into my lungs.

I never thought that drowning would feel like a relief. For all the pressure to dissipate, is almost relaxing. The energy drains from my body and I start to sink.

In such a sleepy state, its easy for my thoughts to drift. And it's not surprise they make a beeline for Jasper.

I imagine his face, pale and gleaming gently in the moonlight. His eyes are a shining gold, kind and loving as he reaches out to stroke my face. He is as serene as always, and I gladly lean in to his embrace.

A low murmer next to my ear relaxes me even further. Its sweet and soft, like honey.

"Darling, wake up. Please. You need to breathe."

Something pulls on my arm, but I lean closer to Jasper. His presence is soothing. I'm tired of being cold and scared.

"Darling. Breathe. Breathe!"

The pressure returns to my chest. But then it goes. Then it comes back again. My throat burns, and I start fighting for oxygen.

"C'mon, Jordan, breathe!"

I cough violently, instinctively flipping onto my stomach. My throat feels like sandpaper, and my lungs seem like gravel has been rubbed into them.

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