[Bel Paese]

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We're leaving the house a second after the words have left her mouth. I change out my jacket for a dark hoodie and throw my keys on the table.

Bella writes Charlie and note, and Alice is already in the car as we leave. Jacob is close behind.

"He left you, Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?"

I would turn around and punch him for those words, but I can't help but be consumed in my own worry for Jasper.

"No, I'm not going to let him kill himself out of guilt," Bella mutters.

Alice reverses and I get in the backseat, wanting to be left to my miserable thoughts.

"Well, what about your dad?"

"I'm eighteen. I'm legally free to go and I left a note." Bella gets in shotgun.

"Please, Bella," he says, leaning in the car and stopping Alice from starting the car.

She gives Bella a look, a spark of anger flaring in her eyes.

"Surely Jordan won't just run off to Italy for some bloodsucker?" He says, looking at me.

"Jasper isn't 'some bloodsucker', so I suggest you move before I make Alice drive with you hanging out the window," I snap, too impatient for his nonsense.

"Just...stay here," Jacob says, looking back to Bella. "For Charlie. For me."

"I have to go," Bella says.

Jacob backs away, his shoulders drooping. "I'm begging you. Please."

"Goodbye, Jacob."

He leans away from the car, allowing Alice to start it and pull away.

We reach the airport in record time, and I'm not sure how I A) didn't notice how fast we were going and B) Alice wasn't pulled over by a cop.

It's when we board the plane I am reminded of my...condition. It's every dawn I throw up, and we left late at night. As the plane takes off, my temperature raises and I start to become uncomfortable.

Bella takes notice. "Are you alright?"

The mild tirbulance isn't helping me, and it's hard to speak. "I don't feel well."

I catch myself before saying 'I don't feel so good'. Something tells me it wouldn't be the best thing to say.

"Are you still getting ill?"

For the past two weeks, but thanks for catching on.

I nod, tensing as a spasm of pain rockets across my back. It's always the back, I think as a groan escapes my chest.

"Jordan?" Alice asks, looking over with a frown.

Shaking my head, I rise from my seat and make my way to the toilet. My legs give way as I am once again soaked in sweat accompanied by stabbing, fiery pains all over.

Everthing swims around me, and I feel the urge to cry. I'm so sick of this feeling. Why is this happening to me?

My body shakes as I feel the hot, black liquid spew into the toilet. It burns my throat and coats my mouth, leaving it's foul and bitter taste to stick.

I screw up my eyes and wait for it to be over, knowing the consequences for trying to withhold it.

Three minutes later, any energy I had left is completely drained from my body and I slump against the wall, tears streaming down my face.

Even the tears feel like acid on my skin. The sweat making my clothes stick to me has gone cold, leading to painful shivering.

Crashing waves become louder in my ears, my body jerking as if cold water is being poured over my skin and turning to ice.

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