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Sometimes I wish I would listen to people more often. My stubbornness isn't always a good thing.

I'm lying in bed, with a pounding head and a throat that feels like sandpaper. It's one of the worst colds I've had in years.

But it gives me an excuse to avoid everyone. And I've told Bella that if Adrian comes near the house, or calls he is to be told to go away.

I have stoutly decided that Adrian and I need to stay away from each other. Whatever it is between us, it isn't good.

I dreamt of Jasper last night. It was nice, and left me with a much warmer feeling than the one I had about Adrian.

But dreaming of Jasper is a kind of torture for me. To have him seemingly within my reach, handsome and glowing in all of his glory. Only for him to be ripped away by the harsh reality I am currently abiding in.

I screw my eyes up and try to bring it back, but the image slips through my fingers like mist. A tear slips from my eye.

My hands itch to feel his cold skin, and the icy shock that comes with it. The bone deep longing for Jasper's cold arms around me has returned, even worse than before.

I flick my eyes to the phone, playing with the idea of calling him. But my stubbornness holds me back. A small part of myself still wants to give him the silent treatment.

Even though he doesn't deserve it. I still feel hurt, I can't help that. But I also need to tell him about Victoria. The wolves won't be able to protect Bella and I forever.

I shift on my bed, and groan at the groggy feeling weighing my body down. Somehow, I don't think I will be doing much of anything for a while.


"Jordan, Jordan! They're wolves!"

My eyes flicker open, a moan escaping my lips as the door to my bedroom is thrown open with a loud bang.

It's dark outside, so I've been sleeping door quite some time. Although I'm not sure when I fell asleep.


Bella kneels on the other side of my bed, eyes wide and frantic. Her hair is soaked and plastered to her head. But the anxiety radiating off of her alerts me to something more.

What? Am I turning into Jasper or something?

"Whattareyou talkin' 'bout?" I mumble, wincing at the feeling of knives in my throat.

"The animals killing all those hikers. I saw them, up in the meadow. Laurent came looking for me for Victoria. He tried to kill me but these massive wolves went after him. They're probably dead, but they were so big, Jordan!"

She's talking a mile a minute, but I get most of what she says. My stomach sinks, and I try to think of the best way to explain this to her.

But this isn't my secret to share. Either she will find out, or she won't. It isn't up to me. Although, if she is hurt because she doesn't know it would be my fault...

"Jordan?" Bella waves a hand in front of my face, raising her eyebrows.

"Sorry," I snap my eyes to her. "I was just thinking...we have to find some way of contacting the Cullens."

Bella winces. "Can't you just phone Jasper?"

"...I am kind of, maybe, most likely giving him the silent treatment," I rush out, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"You're kidding."

"He hurt me, Bella. Badly."

"I know...but isn't this more important?" She asks tentively.

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