[Phone Call]

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Bella jumps and gasps, staring at Alice as if she were a ghost. But Alice seems just as shocked as she looks between us.

"Alice?!" Bella exclaims, and captures the small vampire in a hug.


"What are you...I'm sorry, I-I just can't believe you're here."

"Would you like to explain to me how you two are alive?" Alice says, looking between us still.

"What?" Bella says, apparently suffering from amnesia.

"I saw a vision of you. You jumped off a cliff, and Jordan jumped after you! Why in the hell would you try and kill yourself?" Alice exclaims, her eyes wide. "I mean, what about Charlie?"

"I didn't try to kill myself," Bella says quickly, and glares when I raise an eyebrow. "I was cliff jumping. Recreationally. It was fun..."

"Not for me," I say, seeing the waves again.

Bella rolls her eyes, and Alice scoffs, pulling me in for a hug. I gladly return it, finding some comfort in the familiar stony embrace.

"I have never met someone so prone to life threatening idiocy!" Alice says, throwing her hands in the air.

I made Bella a coffee, and sat across from them on Charlie's chair. My lips twitch up in a smile at her words.

"Nether have I, but I think it's a talent she's honing," I say, grinning.

"Just...did you...did you tell him?" Bella asks Alice.

"No," she says softly. "He only calls in once every few months."

I chew the inside of my cheek. Her words just confirm Jasper's. Not that I didn't believe him. But Alice saying it confirms he's still being a dick.

"He said he wants to be alone," she sighs, a resigned sadness in her tone.

"What about Jasper?" I ask.

She shakes her head again. "No. I manged to slip away without him noticing much. But he might try and contact you. He's been very moody lately."

I hold up my water logged phone, smiling grimly. "I'd like to see him try."

She pauses for a moment, then her nose screws up. "Bella, what is that foul wet-dog smell?"

"Um...that's probably me," Bella says quietly. "Or, it's Jacob."

"Jacob who?"

"Jacob's kind of...a werewolf."

Alice sighs. "Bella! Werewolves are not good company to keep."

"Speak for yourself," Jacob says, his voice muted, as if the words were spoken from behind clenched teeth.

I rise from my seat, not appreciating him entering our home without permission. And ever since I started vomiting this black stuff, I've become wary of the wolves on a level I don't understand.

"I had to see you were say," Jacob says to Bella.

"I thought you couldn't protect me here," Bella says, apparently sharing my disapproval.

"Guess I don't care."

Gag. Get a room you two. I don't wanna see or hear this. Especially from him.

"Well, I'm not gonna hurt her," Alice says indignantly.

"No, you're just a harmless Cullen," Jacob says, venom dripping from his voice.

I step up behind Alice, glaring at him. She's more than capable of protecting herself, but I feel the need to make my position known.

"I'm taking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella because of you," he says.

"Victoria?" Alice asks.

Bella nods. "Yeah...Victoria's been around."

"I didn't see her. I didn't see you two get pulled out of the water either," Alice says, and I feel her turn to stone as she whips her head towards Jacob. "I can't see past you and your pack of mutts!"

"Don't get me upset," Jacob says, grinding his teeth so hard I can almost hear it.

"Hey. Stop."

"Or things are going to get very ugly," Jacob spits.

Bella gets up and stands between us. "Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop." She bites her lip and looks at Alice.

She seems reluctant, but nods. "I'll...give you a minute." Alice walks to the door.

"Hey," Bella says. "You aren't going anywhere, you're gonna come back, right?"

"As soon as you put the dog out," she says, and disappears.

I have to grin at her comment. Then feel very awkward as Jacob and Bella get very close. I edge out of the room, heading for the hallway.

But of course, they have to follow. I don't want to hear this, man alive, leave me alone!

I block out their conversation, welcoming the thoughts of perhaps leaving with Alice to see Jasper again. Charlie said he would more than happy for me to do it, as long as I keep in touch.

Hopefully we can patch things up. Hopefully he doesn't hate me for not contacting him. Hopefully he hasn't actually moved on to someone new, someone less damaged and more worthy of him.

All these thoughts shoot through my head like a freight train, almost causing a headache to appear. Then the phone rings.

It breaks me out of my head quick enough for me to catch a glimpse of Bella and Jacob very, very close. I mean like lips about to touch close. Ew. Not something I wanted to see.

Jacob answers it, very irritatedly. "Swan residence." He pauses, his face darkening. "He's not here right now. He's arranging a funeral." Jacob puts the phone down.

"Who was that?" Bella asks Jacob, then catches his expression. "What?"

"Always in the way," he hisses, and begins to step back.

"Who was that?" Bella pushes.

"Bella, get back," Jacob says, breathing heavily.

"Jake, who was that?"

"Bella," Alice says, appearing next to me with an expression I do not like. I now know who was on the phone. "Bella, its Edward. He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why I came here."

"Why would yo--why wouldn't you let me speak to him!?" Bella yells, glaring at Jacob backed into the corner.

"He didn't ask for you!"

"I don't care!"

"Bella," Alice pulls her back. "He's going to the Volturi. He wants to die too."

Her gaze slips to me, and dread takes hold of my stomach. The words I never wanted to hear uttered come from her mouth.

"And Jasper is going too."

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