[Adrian Clearwater]

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The pounding inside my head wakes me up. It's so bad that I'm sure I have knives raking across my skull.

A groan of pain slips from my throat as I instinctively curl into a ball. The last time my headache was this bad, Jasper had to take me to the hospital.

That might not be the best train of thought to have.

"Holy hell..." I hiss, my eyes watering.

After a few minutes, I decide to get up and take some painkillers. One problem. They're downstairs.

This realisation makes me groan in anticipation of the pain about to spill into my skull. It's bad enough now, but standing always makes it worse. At least for me.

I take the stairs one at a time. Slowly, carefully so not to jolt my head. Each time I land too hard, the corners of my vision dot slightly.

I've been to the doctors about this. They don't know what causes it, and can't find anything that could link it to my fighting. Like I said before, I have been very cautious with head injuries.

To my surprise, and shock, which makes me flinch slightly, Billy Black is sitting in his wheelchair by the stairs. Clearly, Charlie is in the kitchen while he sits in the hall cause the chair won't fit.

I wince, then smile weakly at him. "Hey, Billy."

"Hi, Jordan. You alright?" He asks, frowning.

"Mhm...peachy." I press a hand to my forehead as my eyes scrunch shut.

"Hey, Jordan. Did you sleep well?" Charlie greets as I pass him.

"Yep." I fill a glass, wincing at the sudden shrill noise of rushing water.

"Are you alright?" Charlie asks in concern.

I signal to lower his voice, before breathing deeply. "Ba...bad headache."

"Want some paracetamol?"

"Fuck, yes," I sigh, gritting my back teeth.

Charlie gives me a reproachful look, but hands me two small tablets that I stare at for a moment before putting in my mouth.

I've never been good with tablets. They're just so hard to swallow! Renee never understood that, and insisted I was making a fuss.

But they go down after around a minute of swishing. My gag reflex kicks in at the sourly bitter taste left in my mouth by the tablets. That's another thing I hate.

"Maybe you should just rest for today," Charlie says.

"Way ahead of you," I say, shuffling back to the stairs.

Charlie jogs out to the car after telling us he needs something. Billy nods, not taking his eyes from me.

I may have a raging storm inside my head, but I don't back down from that. If someone makes eye contact with me, they break first.

"So. You're still in contact with that Hale boy?" He asks casually, but I can see the tension behind his eyes.

"Yeah...who told you?"

"Charlie was talking about how much he likes Jasper. He keeps in touch a lot?"

"Uh huh. Why do you care?" I ask bluntly, but I'm not too bothered by how rude it sounds. What business of his is this?

His hands tighten on the arms of his chair. "They aren't good people to be around. They're dangerous. There is things you don't know about them, Jordan..."

I look at him incredulously. "I highly doubt that."

"I don't. There are things at stake here you don't understand, and couldn't possibly hope to handle. So, I suggest you cut contact with the boy before you get hurt. Or worse," he says, his eyes turning cold.

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