[Why She Keeps Coming Back]

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I walk back in to the house. Sam and Paul are there now. But Bella and Jacob are missing.

"Next time you try to take a bite out of my sister, I won't be so soft, Paul. I'm sure you'd make a fetching rug," I say, scowling at him.

He stares at me wide eyed, then returns to eating his muffin. I take a seat next to him, giving Emily a quick smile.

"Are you alright, Jordan? You don't look so well," Embry asks.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired. I didn't sleep well last night," I say, finding myself yawning.

It's not a complete lie. Then again, all the best lies have an aspect of truth.

My thoughts are, once more, consumed by Jasper. I'm not sure why it's happening now, but something must have triggered it.

I now regret not texting him. Some form of communication would be nice. He's probably worried because I haven't sent him a thing since his last text.

Mind you, he hasn't sent me anything either. But Jasper isn't intrusive, and he wouldn't force me to talk to him after that. Or he's too preoccupied with another girl.

No. Jasper wouldn't do that to me. He would tell me, explain it. Not just cut and run. Although I'm sure I would run from me too.

Oh, I'm doing great for self love today aren't I.

"Hey, Jordan. What's up with Adrian?" Sam asks.

"I'm not sure. He walked off. Said something about Billy Black," I reply.

Sam scowls, shaking his head. I want to prod, but I don't have the energy. I think maybe they can tell.

"Are you alright, Jordan?" Emily asks, frowning.

"Yeah, I was just a bit ill this morning, that's all," I say, subtly stretching in an effort to calm the pain.

"What kind of ill?" Sam asks, a casual curiosity in his voice, but an intent sharpness on his face.

"Vomiting, sweating, shaking, you know, the works."

The subject is dropped there, and the tense air disappears. We chat, laughing and teasing. I still enjoy their company, even if they do set me on edge ever so slightly.

The rumours were right. Emily can cook. Not only have I eaten three of the muffins she baked, but another four cookies. I don't care if I'm being a pig--it's worth it.

Bella and Jacob appear at the door a while later, both looking sufficiently worried. I straighten up in my seat.

"We have a problem, Sam," Jacob says.

Sam breaks off his conversation with Jared to look at him. Something in Jake's expression sombres the mood immediately.

"You know how we thought that red-headed chick was just thirsty when she attacked Jordan? Not quite. They're why she keeps coming back."

"I'm pretty sure I mentioned that to you the first time," I say.


The wolves insisted on a protection detail. While I appreciate that they are willing to put their lives on the line to protect us, I do not like the idea of several people staring at my house as I sleep.

I hop out the back of the truck, landing evenly on the muddy ground below. It's already dark, and I can see that adding to Bella's anxiety.

"Don't worry. We got this place covered," Jacob says. "She won't get near you guys, or Charlie."

"Look, you gotta be careful," Bella says, turning on the step. "She's fast. You don't know how fast she is."

"You know, your lack of confidence in us is a little insulting," Jacob says, smirking.

I snort, crossing my arms next to Bella. She seems smaller than usual, and I'm not sure why.

"Alright, I better go."

"You gotta go," Bella says, and I raise an eyebrow at her that thankfully, in this light, she doesn't catch.

"Yeah. Got a vampire to kill," he says softly, and jogs off into the woods.

"Man alive," I say, letting my arms fall to my sides. "The tension between you two. I could cut it with a chainsaw."

Bella glares at me as we enter the house. She darts up to bed, but I spend some time downstairs with Charlie.

We only watch TV, but it's a nice moment of silence. This is something I could never have done with Renee. She would brush me off, or snap at me to go to bed.

Once our show is finished, I smile and bid him goodnight. He nods and stretches, before presumably going into the kitchen for a beer.

The night is cool, so I leave my window open a little to allow air to seep into my bedroom. A slight twinge of anxiety flutters in my stomach.

I don't want to repeat what happened this morning. Not only was it horrible, but quite frightening. Vomiting black can hardly be a sign of health.

Either way, I'm exhausted. So when my head hits the pillow, it's lights out.


Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. I had to visit my brother, and he lives in a city a decent way away so I was shattered.

I know these last few ones have been short, but it's only because this part of New Moon is weird, and I can't make long chapters out of it.

Hope you enjoy, and let me know your thoughts! :D

R.A. <3

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