[A Flash Of Red]

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"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?"

Those are the first words I hear as Jasper picks up the phone. His voice is strained and controlled, but the instant I reply a sigh of relief comes down the line.

"I'm fine, Jaz. I won and there isn't a mark on me."

"Why did you go back?"

I struggle with words, almost biting my tongue a few times.

"I'm not sure how to explain it...except for that it's always been a great way to vent my emotions," I say quietly.

"Is this because of everything with Bella?"

My silence gives him enough of an answer. A snarl rips through the phone.

"Edward is getting his ass kicked."

"Jaz, don't fight with him. I don't want to cause a rift in your family."

"Don't worry about it. Edward has taken care of that."

There's disdain, and a small amount of pain in his tone. I can almost see him running a hand through his honey tinged hair as he tries to calm down.

"Wanna talk about something else?"

It turns out Alice saw me in the fight, tried to call me, didn't get through and told Jasper.

And then he spent the next few hours or so worried out of his mind because I wouldn't pick up.

Apparently, if I didn't text him when I did, Jasper would have gotten on a plane and come here himself.

While that would be amazing, I want him to enjoy this Philosophy course. I won't be the one to take him away from it.

After a good scolding, Jasper calmed down and we spoke for a few hours. It helped a lot.

I haven't spoken to Bella for a whole day. She's tried, but I brush her off because I need some space to calm down. It's one of the things I hate about myself; I don't get angry often; but when I do it simmers for a while before dissipating.

I choose not to be around people when I'm like this, because I'll say something I regret. It's best to wait until I'm back to normal.

But right now, it's three am on Saturday morning, and Bella is screaming hysterically.

At this point, I'm sure I can sense it. I'm out of the bed and by her door before I really think about what I am doing.

She's thrashing wildly, screaming so loudly her throat will be red raw in seconds. The genuine horror and pain on her face makes me want to ring Edward's neck.

I sit beside her and gently lie a hand on her shoulder, singing quietly as she slowly settles.

A meagre light is drifting in the window, a dull grey as always. But the sight makes my very bones weary. That kind of light always has.

"Fly high little blue bird, don't let the clouds hold you down. The wind beneath your wings will guide you wherever you go..."

Charlie appears in the doorway, frowning deeply as I blankly recite the words I remember Renee singing to Bella as a little girl.

I smile weakly at him, my eyelids feeling like ten ton weights as I blink.

He leaves, and I look down to see Bella breathing heavily with wide eyes. Sweat gleams on her shoulders, soaking her shirt.

"I'm sorry..." she says glumly.

"It's okay, Bells. I shouldn't have blown up at you guys, it was wrong." I run her shoulder.

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