[Another Apperance]

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The drive to the reservation takes less time than I thought. Or maybe I have been too busy laughing. Either way, we're here.

I can see the 'Pack' mucking around by the trees. I'll never understand why they refuse to wear shirts. They must be freezing, because I am. And my body temperature runs higher than normal.

"Are you cold?" Adrian asks, eyeing my shivering form.

"Oh, no. You see, I always wanted to die by frostbite," I say, gritting my teeth to stop them from chattering.

He laughs, and a moment later I yell in surprise as I am wrapped in large, warm arms.

Acting on instinct, I throw my elbow back into his ribs, earning a pained grunt.

"Hey! What was that for?" He exclaims, rubbing his chest.

"Oh," I turn around, my face burning red. "I am so sorry! You surprised me, and because of my boxing my reflexes are sharp and-"

"You're a boxer?" Adrian says, his eyebrows shooting towards his hairline.

"Yeah, I was," I say, remembering that he doesn't know.

I am really not in the mood to explain this. Sometimes I wish I could be around people who know.

"That is awesome! Hey, hey, guys!" Adrian calls the Pack over, practically vibrating with enthusiasm. "Jordan is a boxer!"

All at once, I'm surrounded by huge boys, all asking questions and making gestures or taking up stances.

Their sudden enthusiasm surprises me, and I find myself answering questions and explaining things I never had to before. They flow from my lips swiftly, without much thought behind them.

"Alright, that's enough. Give her some space to breathe," Sam's deep, authoritative voice booms over the rapid fire questions getting shot at me.

I give him a thankful look, and he nods. The boys back off, and my chest loosens up.

A prickle goes down my spine, like someone's gaze is burning into the back of my head. But there's something familiar about this gaze.

I turn around sharply, the muscles in my shoulders tensing. My eyes scan the far treeline, and everything seems to fade out around me as I lock gazes with Victoria.

"Shit," I hiss, taking a step back and accidentally bumping into Paul.

He looks down at me, frowning in confusion, then his eyes flick to where I'm staring with my jaw set. He turns to face her head on, his teeth audibly clenching.


The others all follow his gaze to the trees, where Victoria has stepped out. Her red hair flowing like wild fire; murder in her blood red eyes.

"Jordan, get behind us," Adrian says, trying to push me back.

"No way! She'll kill you! You have no idea what she is," I say, panicking at the thought of them getting in her way.

Victoria was James's mate. Anyone who could love someone like that is not to be messed with. And she's a Vampire, so that's awful.

A loud snarl seems to appear out of thin air, and a memory of the baseball field flashes into my mind. I almost instinctively look around for Jasper, but the sound isn't right. There's something missing from it that I can't pinpoint.

Paul starts to shake next to me, then Jared does the same. Sam positions himself in front of all of us, and I feel my heart begin to thump painfully in my chest.

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