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Bella decided to drop an event on me last minute, all but begging me to come shopping with her and Jessica. I'm exhausted, but I said yes because no matter what, I couldn't leave her alone with that annoying brat.

"I don't know why," Jessica whines, stuffing her hands into her pockets. "You want to sit through all those zombies eating people, and no hot guys kissing people."

I roll my eyes, already in a foul mood due to her constant complaining. Personally, I think the movie was good. Maybe a little bit stringy with the plot, but a good movie.

"It's gross...like," she continues. "Why are there that many zombie movies anyway? If its supposed to, like, draw a parallel about leprosy, my cousin had leprosy. It's not funny, you know."

"It's not supposed to be," I hiss, glad to have Bella in between us.

"And, like, is it supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism, 'cause don't be so pleased with your own, like, self-reverential cleverness, you know?"

If she says 'like' one more time...

"Like, some girls like to shop, not all girls, apparently," she says, waving her hands. "Though I was surprised you even called, you know?"

My jaw clamps together, and I concentrate very hard on my steps so that I don't lash out at her.

"Like, your depression thing, I get it. I'm totally, totally worried." She throws her hands around again. "But after a while it's like, are you still bumming? I mean, I'm going through stuff too."

"Hey, Jessica? Why don't you shut your mouth," I say, finally snapping.

She looks at me in shock. "What?"

"Shut. Up. All you've done is complain, complain, complain, all day! And now this? If one more word comes outta that gossiping gob of yours I'm going to-"

"Want a ride girls?"

I turn my venomous glare to the alleyway beside us, where a group of guys on bikes leer up through the darkness at us.

But Bella has a different reaction. Her eyes lose focus, and then she turns, gasping suddenly as she steps back in shock.

I follow her gaze, but see nothing, and glance at her worriedly.

"Dude, come on," Jessica says, stepping in front of her.

"C'mere for a sec!" One of the guys shouts again, Bella scoffs, but I don't think it's to do with them.

Bella looks down at them, while Jessica raises an eyebrow. I'm hoping she's not thinking what I think she is.

Man, that was a mouthful.

"I think I know those guys," Bella says.

"We got beer, we got bikes," someone shouts.

"Well, they seem great. Can we go?" Jessica asks, clearly uncomfortable.

For once, I agree with her. But Bella doesn't move, only looks back down at the bikers.

Actually, I think we do know them. They're the pricks from Port Angeles.

"I'm just gonna see something," Bella mutters, running off down the alleyway.

"Bella! What the hell are you doing?" I try to grab her arm but miss.

Something is very wrong. She does the same thing when she comes closer to the guys, gasping and stepping back.

I can't hear what's she saying from here, but if she gets on one of those bikes I'm gonna blow a fuse. And it won't be pretty.

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