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"Get Jasper out of here."

Emmett drags Jasper out of the room while Alice follows me to help calm him down.

As he simmers, more control returns to him, and horror fills his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," he mutters, gripping his hair tightly. "I didn't mean to..."

"Jaz, it's alright. We're okay, everyone's okay," I say, reaching to touch his arm.

But he recoils in self disgust. The distress on his face breaks my heart as he crumples into a ball on the ground.

He presses his hands into his head as he brings his knees up, grinding his teeth so hard I can hear it.

"Jasper, please, look at me," I say, kneeling beside him.

I can see the tendons in his hand pressing against his skin. I reach out and gently pry it from his hair.

Remembering his words from this morning, instead of forcing him to do something, I settle with drawing circles on the back of his hand.

I take my time, just allowing him to slowly relax with my touch. Hopefully, it dulls his thirst.

After what seems like an eternity, he raises his head to look at me. If vampire could cry, I'm certain he would be drowning in tears.

"Is Bella okay?" He asks softly.

"She's fine. Carlisle is just tending to the cuts," Alice says.

Jasper nods, still refusing to meet my gaze. "And Edward?"

"He's just coming out," Emmett says.

On cue, Edward appears next to Alice, blank faced and silent.

"I'm sorry, Edward," Jasper says, some tension returning to his hand. "It all happened so quickly, I didn't realise what had happened before..." he winces.

"It's not your fault," he says in a monotone voice. "It's mine, for letting Bella get this close to us."

I stare at him in shock, unable to believe my ears as he continues.

"We're leaving Forks," he says simply. "Bella can't be around us, it's too dangerous. She needs to live a normal human life, and she won't get that with me. You'd be smart to do the same for Jordan."

"Are you kidding me?!" I yell, jumping to my feet. "Seriously? Is this a joke?"


"You better change that answer, mate, before I have to get Emmett to punch you for me!"

"What don't you get about this, Jordan?" Edward asks, scowling. "Bella will eventually get hurt, or killed, because of me. Because of her affiliation with this family. So will you."

"Then change her, like she's asked you to! Then you won't have to worry about losing her," I argue, ignoring his last words.

"No!" He hisses. "I won't do that to her!"

"Don't you see how selfish you're being?" I ask, looking at him with disgust. "You don't get to choose for her. It is Bella's life, not yours!"

"What's the matter with you?" He snarls. "Do you not want Bella to be safe?"

"Don't talk to her like that," Jasper says, springing to his feet.

"I want her, to be happy, Edward. And I've never seen her as happy as she is with you. If you walk away now, you will destroy her."

"Bella will recover," he says.

"No, she won't! You don't know how she talks about you, how she views you! There are things sisters only tell sisters. Listen to me when I say, you are making a huge mistake," I say, willing him to understand what I'm trying to tell him.

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