[Wolf's Out Of The Bag]

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Paul convulses in pure rage. I can see it on his face--there's no going back now.

"Bella, get back," Sam orders as he tries to stop Paul from phasing.

Bella doesn't move, so I grab her jacket and pull her behind me. These guys don't intimidate me.

"Paul! Calm down now," Sam says.

But Paul is snarling, his teeth bared and his jaw taut as his eyes glaze over. Wonderful. He's in a blind rage.

Then his snarling grows erratic and his arms splay out as he takes on the form of one massive, and pissed off wolf.

I hear Bella gasp from behind me. My shoulders set in response to Paul's very up close growling.


Jacob runs towards us, but Bella is more than intent on going in the other direction.

"Run!" She yells, booking it for the cabin. "Jake, run!"

But Jacob doesn't stop or turn. His body lowers, and he leaps over Bella as he phases in midair.

I duck and roll just in time. His paws land right where I was standing.

Their growling and snarling reaches an unbareable level as they crash together. Jacob clearly has the upper hand.

They fall through a canoe and the noise of their fight disappears into the forest.

"Take Bella and Jordan back to Emily's place," Sam says, then jogs off into the trees.

"Guess the wolf's outta the bag," Jared says, chuckling.

I stand up and walk over to Bella. She seems too shocked to move, so I gently ease her off the ground and lead the other two to her truck.


"Hey, guys, we should go back and see I'd Jacob's okay," Bella says when we pull up.

Jared and Embry let out a call announcing their arrival before turning to answer Bella.

"I hope Paul sinks some teeth into him. Serves him right."

"No way. Jacob's a natural. Did you see him phase on the fly? I got five says Paul doesn't touch him."

I grin, agreeing. I'm not as uneasy here as Bella is. Well, I have been here before so I guess I have the upper hand.

"Come on in, Bella. We won't bite."

"Speak for yourself."

I swat Embry on the shoulder. He rubs it and shrugs as he hops up the stairs. I wait until Bella is by me to stop her.

"Don't stare, Bella. Sam doesn't like it."

"Why would I stare?" She asks, and I sigh.

"I forgot this isn't your first time here," Jared says.

Bella turns accusing eyes to me. "You've been here? You knew?"

"Wasn't my secret to tell, Bells. Now, come on. I've heard great things about this girl's food."

I walk in and join the boys at the table. Emily smiles widely at me.

"It's nice to see you again, Jordan."

"You too, Emily. Sorry for leaving so suddenly last time, it was rude of me."

"It's no problem, Adrian told us what happened."

"...did he now..." My jaw clenches. "Speaking of, where is he?"

"Out by the woodshed. He's been acting strange lately." She turns to the boys. "You guys hungry? Like I even have to ask."

Bella appears in the doorway as I stand from my seat. She stays there awkwardly for a moment, until Emily spots her.

"Who's this?"

"Bella Swan. Who else?" Jared says.

"Hmm. So...you're the vampire girl," Emily says, smirking.

Bella hesitates, then manages a small smile. "So...you're the wolf girl."

Emily laughs, nodding. "Guess so. Well, I'm engaged to one." She puts food down on the table.

"Excuse me, for a moment, would you?" I say, backing towards the door.

They nod, and I turn around and walk out the backdoor. The woodshed isn't far. As Emily said, Adrian is there. He's not doing anything, just sitting twisting his hands together.

"Hey-" he says as I approach, but his words are cut off as the palm of my hand connects with his face. "Ow! What the hell, Jordan?"

"You had no right to tell them what happened!" I say, leaning over him.

I wouldn't be surprised if snarls started coming from me right now. The anger surging through me is like wildfire.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, rubbing his face.

"They all know! Even Emily! Who isn't even a wolf!"

"I can't help it, okay? The pack can hear each others thoughts! Of course they were going to find out. It's not my fault they can't keep their mouths shut."

"Couldn't you have just not thought about it?" I ask.

"No. You kissed me. That's not something I can avoid thinking about. Why do you care so much anyway? You were the one who kissed me."

"I care, because I deeply regret it. And I would rather not have the information of what I did available to the entire reservation!"

Maybe I'm being harsh, maybe not. I don't know. All I know for certain is that I am telling the truth. Whatever we had between us, is gone. Not even a spark remains.

I still don't feel well from this morning. All this aggression is taking a lot out of me.

Adrian apparently picks up on that, as his eyes narrow looking at my hands. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I snap.

"You're shaking, sweating...Jordan, seriously, are you alright?" He asks, concern ringing true in his voice.

"I was ill this morning. That's all. It's passing."

"How ill?"


"What caused it?" He asks, his eyes focused on a point just beside my head.

"Dunno. But whatever it was, I'm glad it isn't in my body anymore. Considering I vomited some black substance."

Adrian's eyes abruptly snap to mine, an intense look in them. "Black?"

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's true. I couldn't see either. Like some sort of mist was covering my eyes."

Why am I telling him this?

I suppose it's nice to tell someone about what happened to me. If I'm honest, it scared me. I want to understand.

"Hey, um, can I talk to you later? I promised Billy I would help him out with something," Adrian says, his eyes darting around the ground.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. Go ahead."

He nods and gives me a brief smile before walking off. I stay standing there for a minute.

Why did that hurt?

Adrian usually let's me talk to him about these things. Every other time he's been almost eager for me to share something with him.

I mentally smack myself. That's not fair on him. I can't expect him to sit around and listen to my problems all day. He has his own life, and own problems.

A sharp pang of pain travels over my back, bringing a sheen of sweat with it.

I wince, and turn around to walk back to the house.


What is up with me? I'm writing so fast! Hope you enjoy :)

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