[Get It Out]

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I'm walking through a forest. The air is cold, and rain drips from the thick canopy of deep green leaves above me.

On the forest floor, small mice and other rodents scutter around. They'll be looking for food. But this deep in winter, they will have tough luck finding anything.

I pause. If it's winter, then how come the trees still hold their summertime green?

Looking up, a few droplets of water roll off the leaves and hit my jacket. I can't hear any birds, although the whoosh around my ears would point towards the buzz of wings.

Ah, of course. The trees in Forks are evergreens. Even in winter, they don't go brown or fall off.

I smile. This is why I love this place. No brown, no heat, just a soft cold breeze blowing rain around the sky.

My lips pull down for a moment. I can still hear the beating of wings next to my ear.

Even when I turn, there's nothing around me. Only trees and and dead grass around the bases.

The wind turns cold as I continue to walk. What was dead grass mere seconds ago, is turning to stone as get closer to the source of powerful wind.

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I shield my eyes as the line of trees breaks and bright light floods cross my line of sight.

Below me, the land has dropped away to reveal the ocean. The waves are huge, and crash loudly against the rocks.

I can't see where the water ends, and the wind blowing around feels as if it has the power to become a hurricane.

A twig snaps behind me. I turn around, astounded that I could hear that over the sound of the wind howling around me and the buzzing.

My breath catches in my throat as Victoria's blood red eyes bore into mine. Her hair, flowing like flames in the wild wind, is a stark contrast to the dark green and brown woods behind her.

Her lips are turned up in a predatory snarl, and I can hear it above the crashing waves.

I know this is it. There's no one out here but us. This time, there isn't anyone between her and I. No wolves, no vampires. Not even a phone call.

There are worse ways to go, I suppose. The view is nice, at least. But I wish...I badly wish to have seen Jasper one last time. Just one glimpse would be enough for me to die peacefully.

I hope he doesn't blame himself. This is no one's fault. He will move on.

My footing falters a moment, the stone crunching beneath me. Inside my chest, my heart thumps loudly, and I know she can hear it.

One moment, Victoria is standing by the trees, eyes burning with thirst. Then she is in front of me, her hand wrapped tightly around my neck as I am lifted off the ground.

With a thrust that almost snaps my neck, she throws me over the cliff.

Everything slows down as the wind whips past me. My jacket flutters and my stomach lurches.

The roaring of the waves fills my ears, and I can feel the spray and freezing wind on my legs.

But the sound of the watery oblivion is engulfed by buzzing wings.

I slow down, coming to a stop mere inches from the ocean. It disappears, and I drop to the floor of a forest.

Pain erupts through my body, particularly sharp in my back. Tears spring to my eyes, and I push myself off the ground.

I look around, frowning in confusion as I try and figure out what happened. The ocean was right below me. I should be drowning right now.

The buzzing hasn't stopped, but its not as loud. And a soft breeze is hitting my ears and lightly blowing my hair around.

"It seems the Cullen's pet isn't as ordinary as everyone thinks."

Victoria appears by the cliff, watching me with an unreadable expression. My body reacts defensively, and I don't feel afraid anymore.

A familiar voice floats towards me, honey-like and warm. It takes my breath away as my eyes dart around looking for the source.

"Jordan, you need to get this out of you."

"Jasper?" I whirl around, looking for him.

"Jordan. Get it out of you."

"Get what out of me? Jasper, where are you?"

"You need to do it now. Get it out!"

Victoria lunges for me, and all I see before a wave of hot, excruciating pain overwhelms my mind, is hair like flames.

My eyes shoot open, and I am out of bed and running to the bathroom before I can process what I just experienced.

The burning spreads to my throat, spiking up from my stomach as I heave into the toilet.

But this isn't normal. I've been sick plenty of times. It's never been like this before.

I'm sweating, shaking, wincing from the physical pain stinging my very nerves. I can't see straight, as my eyes are clouded by a thick mist.

My stomach heaves again, and my throat burns even worse. A pathetic, pained sob slips out before I am throwing my head back in the toilet.


Charlie's voice appears in the doorway, and I hear him kneel next to me. But when his hand rests on my back, I flinch.

"This is more than a cold, isn't it?" He sighs.

I can't reply, as I am too busy bringing up a ridiculous amount of fluid that I didn't know I contained within my body. I haven't even consumed enough of anything to produce this amount.

"Do you want anything? Water?" He asks, clearly unsure of what to do.

Managing to shake my head, I groan. I can feel the sweat dripping down my face. What the hell is happening to me?

"I'll go get you some clean clothes so you can have a shower."

Charlie's presence leaves the room, and the burning in my stomach dies down a little.

I fall back against the wall, my vision clearing as I breathe heavily. This is three times as bad as what I got in Arizona.

Instinctively, I reach to flush the toliet; but freeze when I see what I threw up.

It's black. Completely and utterly black.


Okay. So. Apparently I have the immune system of a god.

And, I'm just too excited for this to allow sickness to deter me.

Either way, here ya go! :)


Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes on my post! Mwuah <3

R.A. :D

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