[Visiting Jacob]

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I flush it away before Charlie comes back, not really wanting him to freak out.

Sweat literally drips from my skin. My clothes are stuck to me, and my hands slip on the toilet lid.

When your nerves feel like fried wires, uncontrollable shaking doesn't do you any favours.

Charlie reappears, and his face instantly turns to fear when he sees me. "Man alive, Jordan. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"No. I'm fine. Just give me a while," I say, accidentally stuttering.

Charlie looks uncertain. I smile reassuringly at him. Even though I feel like I might die.

"Honestly, I'm good. I think I just ate something bad."

After a minute or so, he finally leaves when I say I'm going to get in the shower. But it takes much longer for me to actually follow through with that.

My shower isn't too good. I'm shaking badly, and the water is like needles scraping my back. Not to mention it sounds like the waves in my dream.

That dream...that was weird. I mean, I've had my fair share of fever dreams. But that was a bit far. And incredibly realistic. I can still feel her hand grasping my throat.

A shiver runs down my back, and the water turns cold. I get out and go into my bedroom to change.

But light is already seeping in under my blind. I sigh, and take clothes out of my wardrobe instead of putting on the pajamas Charlie left out for me.

Once I am done, I have to sit down in the chair by my window to rest. The shaking has died down a little, but I'm still in a lot of pain.

I don't understand it. What could possibly have done this to me? As far as I know, I haven't eaten anything I'm allergic to. And even if I had, none of my allergies are severe enough to cause this reaction.

In my dream, Jasper said, "get it out."

What did he mean by that? Was my subconscious using his voice to tell me something?

I shake my head, feeling a headache beginning to grow there. This kind of thinking isn't going to get me anywhere.

My eyes catch the record player by the chair. A pang enters my chest at the amount of dust coating it. I haven't used it in a while.

Catiously, I reach for the latch and pry it open. The smell hits me and I smile. There are nothing but good memories attached to this.

The only record I have is the one Jasper gave me. David Bowie's Heros single.

It takes me a second to fiddle around with it before the melody starts flowing through the room.

I lean back in my chair and shut my eyes. The music makes me smile wider, and the stress weighing on my chest seems to float off.

We can be Heros, just for one day.

"We can be Heros, just for one day," I sing out in unison with Bowie.

"Wow...Jordan, you can sing."

I jump up in my seat. Bella is by my door, the one I apparently forgot to shut. While her tone may have been light, her face is darkened by concern.

My face flushes beet red. "Hey, Bells. Didn't see you there."

"Clearly." She smirks for a moment, but it disappears quickly as she walks over to sit across from me. "I heard you being sick."


"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure what it was, but it seems to have passed," I say, hoping my tone doesn't give away my own worry.

"You still look quite pale."

"Paler than you?" I ask, fake horror on my face.

Bella narrows her eyes, unable to keep the laughter from her face. "Not quite."

We sit in silence for a few minutes as David nears the end of his song. The sound seems softer than before.

Once it ends, Bella perks up; a change coming in her features; a determination.

"Will you come to the reservation with me?" She asks.

I tense up. "Um..."

"Its not to do with Adrian. I want to see Jake. He avoided me for ages, then appeared in my room last night speaking cryptic nonsense."

Only one sentence of that reached my brain. "I'm sorry, he was in your room?"

"Yeah," she says dismissively. "He was talking about how tight he's bound. That I already knew why. Do you know what he means by that?"

"No," I say, in my best innocent voice.

"Well, I want to go talk to him. Will you come with me?"

"Okay. When do we go?" I ask, stretching.



We get there quickly. Either that or I dozed off because of how tired I am.

I stand just behind Bella as she knocks on Billy Black's front door. I'm not too keen on seeing him, but no way would I have let her come alone.

My hands haven't quite stopped shaking yet, and have remained clammy.

I am snapped back to reality when Bella rushes past Billy into his house.


I catch up to her, then she's gone again, walking angrily towards the Pack. I know that walk. I've been on the receiving end of it myself a few times.


"What did you do?!" She yells, her pace quickening. "What did you do? Hey! What did you do to him?" She slams Sam in the chest.

I rush outside. This could get ugly very fast. I can already see Paul shaking worse than me. Going after the Alpha, Bells? Really? Most times that a good thing. Not now.

"Easy!" Sam snaps, holding his arm out between Paul and Bella.

"He didn't want this!" Bella says.

"What did we do?" Paul asks, stepping closer. "What did he do, huh? What'd he tell you?"

"Both of you, calm down," Sam says, dragging Paul back.

"Nothing. He tells me nothing because he's scared of you," Bella spits out.

I wince. Somehow, I don't think Jacob would appreciate that comment. But I have to admire her grit. Then again she's always been quite fiery when it comes to those she loves.

Everyone bursts into laughter except Sam, who merely watches with a stony expression.

I reach to grab at Bella, anticipating her next move and it's consequences. But I am too slow.

She scoffs, and slaps Paul straight across the face.


Short chapter, I know. But I feel sometimes it's necessary.

Hope you enjoy :)

R.A. <3

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