Chapter 2

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Head down, typing out the new set of lyrics, but always aware of what's happening around her, Jacqueline quickly closes her laptop when she hears the voice of her main bully enter the room. Glancing up, she sees Brad, Quinn, and Andy walking in her direction. Sliding her computer into her bag, she pushes her glasses up and braces herself for what's about to be said or done. As the three guys draw closer, Jacqueline can't believe Louis, Liam, Niall and Harry are stupid enough to associate with people like this, if this were to get out the tabloids would have a field day, it could cause them to lose some of their fans. But then again, some people like the bad boy mentality. If these guys didn't make her so much money she'd refuse to write for them.

Brad stops as he gets even with his target. Sitting on the desk next to her, he leans his elbows onto his knees. "Whatcha doing?"

Jacqueline just shakes her head, causing her long hair, that's pulled back into a high ponytail, to sway across her shoulders.

Andy reaches out, catching her hair. He then gives it a hard jerk, causing her head to snap back. "I believe my friend here asked you a question. Now don't you think it's rude to not answer it properly?"

On the way to school Harry tells the others about the text he got from Jeff, showing the text to Louis so he can read it aloud to Liam and Niall. Their reaction to the writer part was the same as his.

"Wow, wonder who else this guy has written for?" Niall asks as he shoves a chip in his mouth.

"About to find out." Louis says as he types in the name Jack Tay, Jacqueline's pen name. "What the fuck, he's written hit songs for Shawn Mendes, Charlie Puth, Sam Smith, and it says here he's written for Taylor Swift but has refused ever do it again since she didn't want to give him credit, Taylor wanted everyone to think she wrote the song herself." Louis says with a laugh.

Harry snorts. "I'm not surprised." He says as he parks in the student parking lot. "Taylor is a first class bitch, thinking the world owes her."

"Yeah, her fans are finally starting to realize that." Liam says as he grabs his bag from the back of the car. "Her following is dropping drastically."

"I sent Jeff a text back, telling him we'll drop by after school." Harry tells the others as they collect their books for their first class of the day. "I also told him I'd like to meet this writer, if nothing else but thank him for making us some damn good bangers."

Niall walks through the door to the classroom and stops, causing the others to bump into him. Harry being the tallest, looks over his head, the others around him, what they see causes their blood to run cold. They'd just had a discussion about this very topic the night before. They knew the guys they hung out with here at school tended to tease less fortunate classmates, they also knew that this seem to be escalating now that they were seniors. Louis said last night how he was tired of ignoring what the others were doing, and it was time to put a stop to it before it bit them in the ass as a band. They all agreed.
Getting pissed at the way Andy manhandles the girl, shaking her ponytail, causing her head to violently move back and forth, Harry steps past Niall. "Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" He snaps, causing the three guys to jump. "Get away from her and leave her alone." He snaps.

Quinn, the one most like Louis, steps forward. "What the hell? Since when do you care if we tease the nerd? It never seem to bother you before." He says.

"Yeah, it has." Louis says, stepping up beside Harry. "We just didn't say anything."

"But, asshole, if you'll think back, you'll realize we never joined in." Liam adds.

"Aww, what's the matter? Afraid you might lose your female fans and your chances of getting laid, if they find out about this?" Brad sneers.

"No asshole, we have more class than that." Niall snaps. Then he does something none of them is expecting, but is very proud of him for doing. "Besides, I don't fuck our female fans, that's not who I am." He says with a smirk. "I fuck the guys, I'm gay." He says proudly causing Harry, Louis and Liam to burst out laughing, not only because of the way he said it, but because of the look on Brad, Quinn and Andy's faces. He also notices the small smile coming from the girl who was being bullied, but there is no look of discuss there at all.

Jacqueline sits quietly, listening to the heated discussion in front of her, hoping these guys forget she's in the room. Jackie was actually surprised when the familiar voice spoke out in her defense, these guys have never done that before. But when Niall, with pride, announces he's gay she couldn't help the smile tickling her lips. When she looks up and sees Harry looking at her she shrugs and smiles slightly bigger when he gives her a cheeky wink. Her only regret is she's unable to thank the guys due to the teacher walking in at that moment, but she'll try to catch them after class.

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