Chapter 5

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After leaving the studio they all decide to meet at a pizza place around the corner. Jeff and Jason, wanting to talk business, ride together. "Hey Harry, why don't you ride with Jack? Show her where we're going." Jason says as the others take off.

Jacqueline snorts. "Or I can just follow you." She says as she flips off the retreating vehicles, causing Harry to let out this adorable bark of laughter. "You know where we're going?"

"Yeah, we go there all the time." Harry says as he starts to open her door for her.

"Good." She says with a laugh, slapping the keys into his hand. "I hate driving in this traffic." Jacqueline says as she climbs over the console to the passenger seat.

Harry bends down and looks at Jacqueline as she's buckling her seat belt. "Just like that? You're going to let someone you barely know drive your million dollar car."

"One, I know you better than you think. Two, it's just a car, I have insurance. Three, I'm fucking hungry, please get in and drive." Jacqueline says, patting the driver's seat.

"Okay." Harry says, moving the seat back before attempting to sit behind the wheel. "Does it hurt?" He asks, when he sees she's trying to repair her makeup.

Jacqueline shakes her head. "Not anymore. It did the first few hours, now it's just annoying."

"I'll have another talk with him Monday." Harry grits out.

"Harry don't, I'm hoping after Tuesday everything will change." Jacqueline says as she opens her door.

"And if it doesn't?" He asks, hold the restaurant door open for her.

Jacqueline shrugs. "Then I'll have to do something about it myself. But please, don't get in trouble for me."

Once they were seated with the others Harry realizes he still has her keys. "Oh, Jack here's your car keys." He says placing them in outstretched hand.

"Wait, you got to drive her car?" Niall asks, his mouth full of bread.

"Niall! Chew, swallow, then speak. Geeze dude there's a lady present." Harry laughs, seeing Jack trying to hold back her laughter. "And yes, I drove."

"Bitch." Niall says sarcastically.

"Well, if it isn't the goodie two shoe's and their little fag of a friend." Brad sneers as he and Andy stops by their table.

As soon as Jacqueline hears his voice she stiffens and for reasons unknown, scoots closer to Harry instead of Jason, who's sitting on her other side. Seeing her reaction Harry places his arm on the back of her chair, raking his finger through her curls.

"Sticks and stones Brad." Niall says unfazed.

Jason raises one of his eyebrows. "Brad?" He asks standing up.

"Oh shit." Jacqueline says, jumping out of her chair. "J, please don't, remember what happened last time." She says, pulling on his arm, looking at Harry, begging him with her eyes for help.

Harry sighs as he stands up. "Let it be known I'm only helping out here because I don't want to see Jack cry again. If it wasn't for that I'd let Jason kick your fucking ass."

"Hell yeah, in fact." Louis says as he stands up. "I still might."

"What the hell for?" Brad yells, not realizing who Jacqueline is.

"For what you just said about our friend you shit for brains." Jacqueline snaps out, still holding Jason's arm.

"Excuse me, but I'm going to need you to leave young man. I happen to own this place and I don't allow that type of behavior in my establishment." The owner says calmly as he approaches.

"Yeah okay, but you allow gay people to contaminate the place." Brad sneers.

The owner puts his hands on his hips. "I allow anyone of any color, race, and/or orientation in, I don't care if they're gay, trans, lesbian, or however they want to label themselves. But what I will never allow in here is a bully like you. Now get out, and if you can't do that on your own accord I'm sure my husband Marco can help you." He says as a guy steps up that makes Harry look small.

Jacqueline drops her hand from Jason's arm and reaches for Harry. "Holy Mary Mother of God that man is a giant, that's who I need with me at school Monday." She says in awe. Causing Harry to throw his head back laughing.

"So sorry for the trouble you've had in my restaurant. The food is on the house, I'm Devon, by the way." The owner says.

"Nice to meet you, but none of this was your fault. We'll pay." Jeff says.

"No please, it's on me. It's not often I come across kids your age defending someone in the LGBTQ+ community, it's a refreshing sight." Devon says. "Now, enjoy your meal."

"Well, I'm leaving this place a healthy tip." Jacqueline says as she digs into her food.

"Hmm." Is agreed all around as everyone else starts eating also.

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