Chapter 30

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Jacqueline feels as if she's in this thick, mucky fog, kinda floating, but also feeling weighted down. She can hear an annoying beeping and what sounds like someone sniffling, as if they were crying. Forcing her eyes open Jacqueline sees Harry sitting beside her, head in hands, shoulders shaking, tears dripping freely from his eyes.
"Who died?" She croaks out.

Hearing her voice for the first time in over a week Harry's head jerks up so quickly his neck pops. "Oh my God, Jack." He whispers, scrubbing his hands over his face.

"Where am I? And why are you here?" Jacqueline asks.

"The hospital, you passed out during your last show. The doctors allowed me to stay with you to keep everyone else aware of your progress." Harry tells her truthfully.

Jacqueline frowns. "How long have I been in here?"

"A little over a week." Harry says with a shrug.

"What about the shows?" Jacqueline asks trying to sit up.

Harry jumps up and helps her. "Careful." He whispers. "We canceled the shows, we'll make them up later. You getting better is more important." He says. After sitting back down, Harry looks at Jacqueline and takes a deep breath. "Jacqueline, are you willing to listen to what I have to say? Really listen?"

"Not like I much of a choice, I can't walk out on you, now can I." Jacqueline says.

Harry sighs. "Jack."

"Sorry. Habit, talk." She says.

"I know I've given you plenty of reasons to never believe anything I say again. But, I swear on my mom's life I haven't lied to you about being with anyone since we've been apart. What Mitch said on the bus, none of that is true. Yeah there may be pictures, but that doesn't prove anything, I was never with those girls. That's all they were, just pictures with fans.
And the girl at the show? The only reason I said what I did is to get her to leave me alone, to move on to the next guy in line. I had every intention on throwing her number away but forgot to due to being worried about what set you off again." Harry says shaking his head. "By the time you shoved your hand in my pocket and said what you did, I didn't think anything I could do or say at that time would change your mind about how you felt.
Jacqueline, I love you." Harry chokes out. "God baby, I love so much my life is meaningless without you. Hell, I love you so much I bought this six months after the band split, just in case I found you." Harry says as he sets a burgundy box on her leg, popping it open so she could see the beautiful diamond engagement ring inside. "It was always my plan to some day to make you my wife." He says, watching the tears stream from her eyes.

Jacqueline sits with her eyes glued to her lap the whole time Harry is talking. He has hurt her, has lied, so much in the past, she doesn't know if she can believe him now. Yeah he sounds sincere, swearing on his mom's life was a good touch. Jacqueline knows Harry adores Anne and wouldn't have said that unless what he's saying is true. But when she sees the ring, her eyes widen. Then she hears him say when he bought it and the tears she's crying start coming faster as she finally raises her head to look at him.

"I know I have a lot to make up for before I can even think of asking you to wear this." Harry says, gesturing to the ring still on her leg. "But baby, if you'll just give me the chance, I swear to you, I'll show you just how badly I need this ring on your finger." He says, reaching out to pick it up.

Just before Harry can take the ring back, Jacqueline grabs it and clutches to her chest. "There you go again Styles, assuming things, damnit, just once ask me." She snaps, giving him a small smile, taking the sting out her words.

Harry can't hide his elation. Dropping to one knee, he takes one of Jacqueline hands, takes the ring out of the box, and looks her in the eyes. "Jacqueline Johanna Taylor, I love you more than life itself, would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asks, holding his breath while waiting for her answer.

Jacqueline places her free hand on Harry's cheek. "Harry, I have loved you since that first day you spoke up for me in class. It will be an honor to be by your side for the rest of my life." She whispers.

Harry lets out a sobs as he slips the ring onto Jacqueline's finger, he then stands up, sits on the edge of her bed and kisses her like he's never kissed anyone before. "God I love you so much, thank you for giving me another chance."

"I don't have a choice, I'll die without you. I love you too." Jacqueline whispers as Harry kisses her again.

"As much as I would love to keep you all to myself, there's a lot of people out there in the waiting room who love you, that I'm sure would love to come in and see you." Harry says as he crawls into the bed beside her.

"Call them, just don't leave me." Jacqueline says.

"Never." Harry says sending the text, kissing her again.

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