Chapter 7

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Not used to having anyone to sit with, walk beside, or eat lunch with her, Jacqueline is starting to feel a little closed in. She has no idea how she's going to handle living with these four guys for who knows how long. She just hopes she doesn't have one of the panic attacks she used to suffer from when she was still at home with her family. The only person who even tried to help her through those was her brother, Gavin. As she and Harry turn to walk to the salad bar, Paul grabs their arms, nodding toward their table, when they look over there they see all types of food. Some that they each like.
As they were walking by a nearby table, she hears. "I don't get it. Why is the fat and ugly nerd being treated like a queen, along side the members of One Direction? What did she do to deserve this? Fuck one of them?" One of the cheerleaders asks.

"It probably wasn't Harry." Her friend says. "He has to much class to go for someone like her." The other girl sneers.

Picking up her pace, Jacqueline slips by Harry and slides onto the bench. Keeping her head down, not wanting anyone to see the tears in her eyes, she grabs an apple and starts nibbling on it while trying to pay attention to what's being said. But all she really hears is what those girls said, over and over. In fact it took her several minutes to realize how quiet everyone at her table had gotten, when she looks up she notices everyone's looking at her.
"What?" She asks quietly.

"Paul just asked the same question three times. Not once did you acknowledge him." Harry says softly, reaching out to wipe a stray tear from her cheek. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asks not realizing what he just called her.

Jacqueline shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. I'm sorry Paul." She says ignoring Harry. "What was the question?"

Paul gives her an odd look, wondering what just happened to change her attitude toward Harry. "The question goes with what I just told you. Are you sure you're ready to hear this right now?"

"Spit it out already, lunch is almost over." Jacqueline snaps, getting close to the end of her rope.

Harry frowns down at the girl beside him while Paul repeats what he's already told them all. "Jason is afraid you're the primary target, he wants someone with you at all times, except when you're in the restroom of course, so I'm afraid once we move you into your new place, you and Harry will be sharing a room. Are you okay with this?"

Jacqueline's eyes widen slightly, she then shrugs. "Whatever." Then before anyone could stop her she's up and running out the cafeteria door.

"Fuck." Harry mutters as he jumps over the table and takes off after her, hoping his long legs will help him catch up to her quickly. Seeing her turn the corner at the end of the hallway, Harry sprints after her. "Damn she fast." He mutters when he sees she's already made it the end of this hallway also. When he turns the corner at the end of this hallway what he sees causes his heart to almost stop. Quinn and Andy has each of her arms pinned to the wall and Brad had his full body pressed against hers, he is grinding against her in the most disgusting way. Running faster than ever before, Harry drops into a slide at the last moment, knocking Brad off his feet, causing him to land on the floor hard. Harry then jumps back up and turns his attention to the others, like the cowards they are, they run.
"What the hell, you heard the rules. We're not supposed to go anywhere without either Paul or Marco with us. And here you are putting us both at risk by taking off like this. What were you thinking?" He yells, finally looking at Jacqueline.

The last thing Jacqueline remembers is Brad telling his henchmen to hold her and him burying his face in her neck, biting her. Right now she can hear a voice, she's not sure who it is though, she's shaking so badly it feels as if her legs will give way any moment.

"What the hell?" Harry snaps as he notices the way Jacqueline is shaking. He's about to try and get her to walk with back to the other when he sees her sinking along the wall toward the floor. "Shit." Harry says as he catches her, swinging her into his arms, shocked at how tiny she really is.

"Is she okay?" Liam asks when they finally catch up to where they're at.

Harry shrugs. "I'm not sure. It's almost like she's passed out but her eyes are still open. And she's shaking so bad it's hard to hold her."

Marco jogs up, phone pressed to his ear. "Jason said she used to have really bad panic attacks. He said he's going to her penthouse to pack her stuff, he needs someone to take her to the new place."

"I'll do that." Harry says, holding Jacqueline tighter. He then turns to Paul. "I want Brad, Andy and Quinn taken care of, see to it or I will." He snaps, taking a piece of paper from Paul with their new address on it.

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