Chapter 15

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Once they arrive in New York, a limo takes them all to Jacqueline's place. Walking in Harry and the others are surprised to see it's a two story penthouse.
"This place has six bedrooms, but mine is the master suite upstairs." Jacqueline says. "Other than that you guys can have your pick, they each have they're own bathrooms. Kim Kardashian used to own this place, but when she and Kanye got married she sold it to me."

"Hold on and take a step back." Liam says spinning around, looking at Jacqueline in awe. "You know Kanye West?"

Jacqueline laughs. "Oh Liam, who do you think wrote Ultra Light Beam." She says smirking as she walks casually up the stairs.

Harry bursts out laughing as he follows her. Walking to the closet, he sets their bags down then walks to the large set of windows. "Nice view."

Jacqueline walks up beside his wrapping her arms around his waist. "You should see it at night, when the city lights are on. It's amazing."

Harry is just about to respond when his phone rings, looking at the caller id he feels his heart skip a beat. "Be right back I need to use the bathroom." He says as he answers the phone. "Hello?" He says quietly, not realizing Jacqueline could still hear ever word being said. And with Harry being stupid, he actually put his phone on speaker so he could pace without holding it.

"Hey babe, haven't talked to you in a while." The female voice says. "Are you in New York yet?"

"Yes, Hannah I just got here." Harry says.

"Well? When can I see you? Harry I miss you so much." Hannah says. "I'm sure the guys won't mind you ditching them for a while, I have a new see through teddy to try on for you." She says in her sexiest voice.

"I'll see what I can do, but I can't make any promises. We have rehearsal for our show." He lies. "I might be able to tell them I'm going for a run and meet you later." Harry says.

"Please try, I've been so lonely without you these past few months." Hannah says.

"I'll do my best sweety." Harry says. "Now I have to go."

"Okay, see you soon. Love you babe." Hannah says.

"Love you, bug." Harry replies. He then flushes the toilet and walks back into the bedroom. He hears what sounds like sniffling, like Jacqueline may be crying. "Jack? Baby, you okay?"

Jacqueline wipes her eyes. "Yeah, I just got something in my eye, it made them both water something awful. I'll just use my eyedrops, I'll be fine." She lies. After they have their things put away, they go back down stairs with the others.

"Look we still have a couple of hours before we need to be at the venue for rehearsal." Harry says as he stands up. "I think I'm going to go for a quick run."

"Okay, sure. See you later." Louis says, thinking nothing's wrong with that.

Liam and Niall just wave as Harry walks out the door. But as soon as the door clicks shut Jacqueline bursts into tear shocking them all.

"Oh hey." Louis says, sitting next to Jacqueline. "What's wrong?"

"He lied." Jacqueline sobs. "He's not going for a run. I heard it all while he was talking to the person in the bathroom. He's going to meet up with some girl named Hannah. He even told her he loves her, just like he told me the other night. He's going to fuck her." She sobs so hard she can barely get the words out. "I heard them talking about their plans." She before collapsing into a heap.

"Like hell." Louis snaps, jumping from the sofa. "He won't get away with hurting you this way." He says before slamming out the front door. Louis knew where Harry was headed, but he thought he'd broken up with the slut weeks before meeting Jacqueline. For him to do this is inexcusable.
Louis walks up to Hannah's door and starts banging on it, when it finally opens he pushes his way in. "Where the fuck is he?"

"What are you doing here?" Hannah snaps, pulling her robe tighter.

"I sure as hell didn't come here for you." Louis sneers. "Harry Styles get your ass down here now and you'd best have some clothes on or I swear I'll kill you." Louis yells.

Harry walks out of the livingroom, shirt off, jeans button undone, but otherwise still dressed. "What the fuck Louis? What are you doing here? How did you even know where I was here?" He snaps, pissed off.

"Well let's see, the only other person in the room you were in told me you fucking dick." Louis says, watching the color drain from Harry's face.

"She heard me? She knows?" Harry chokes out.

"Duh, I can't believe you'd cheat on her. My God Harry, you just confessed to her that you were in love with her, then you do this, after everything she's been through. Why?" Louis asks, tears about ready to fall from his eyes.

Harry shakes his head. "I don't know, I needed space. Time to breathe, think."

"So go for an actual run you asshole, don't fucking cheat on the best thing that ever happened to you." Louis says. "Man I don't know you anymore, my bestfriend would never do this to the girl he truly loves." Louis says, leaving Harry there.

Hannah snorts. "Goes to show you didn't love the bitch, come let's finish what we started."

Harry jerks his arm out of Hannah's grip. "Don't ever call Jack a bitch again, she's more woman than you'll ever be. And I love her more than I've ever loved anyone in my life." He says, grabbing his shirt, then walking out, knowing he's got a lot of begging to do in order for Jacqueline to forgive him.

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