Chapter 23

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As soon as they were done with their set, all four young men walk directly toward where Jacqueline and her band is standing. But when Harry sees the way the younger guy has his arms around her he slows down. When he's finally standing in front of her he doesn't know what to say.
"Hi. How have you been?" He asks, to start off with.

"I'm good." She says, looking him over, noticing he's more fit, stronger arms, slimmer waist. "How about you, you doing okay?" Jacqueline asks.

Harry shrugs. "Getting by." He says truthfully. "Where did you go when you left here?"

"First? Brisbane." Jacqueline says, now that it doesn't matter. "After that, several different places. Just wherever I felt would give me the best atmosphere to write. I was in Jamaica when I met Drew." She says.

Harry is about to tell her he doesn't want to know about how she met her new love. When her next words stop him cold.

"His boyfriend had just beat him up and left him there bleeding." Jacqueline says. "I took him to my room so the asshole couldn't find him and patched him up, that's how I found out he's an amazing guitarist."

"Would you like to go get something to eat? All of you?" Harry asks, wanting Jacqueline as comfortable as possible.

"I say hell Yeah, I'm starving." Niall says, speaking up for the first time.

"You're always hungry." Harry and Jacqueline say at the same time. "Pappy? You and mama want to go, Deen you too?" She asks her band, using the new nicknames she's given Ken and Amber. "I already know J.J. is going to see his family."

"And I'm like her right hand." Drew laughs. "Where she goes, so do I."

"I now know what it's like to have an over protective big brother." Jacqueline says after she says bye to Jay Jay, then walking away with the others. "Drew even threatened to tackle Ed Sheeran when we met him a couple of weeks ago just because he thought he was standing to close."

"Nothing wrong with that." Harry says with a shrug. "I broke a guys nose last year for pinching Gemma's ass."

"Sweet." Drew says, giving Harry a high five over Jacqueline's head. "Who is Gemma?"

"His wonderful sister. How is she by the way?" Jacqueline asks, glancing over her shoulder, liking the way everyone is getting along so far.

"She's good, after she graduated college she worked for a magazine for a while, now she's one of three on a local talk show in London." Harry replies wishing they were alone.

"That's great, that's what she was studying isn't it?" Jacqueline asks.

"Yeah, that and affects social media has on today's society." Harry says when they reach the parking area. "Okay where we eating?" He asks.

Jacqueline reaches out, placing her hand on Harry's arm, touching him for the first time. "Does Devon and Marco still own A Piece of Pie?" She asks.

Harry gives her a small smile. "Yeah, they do, and I'm sure they'll be happy to see you. Especially Marco." He says.

"Hey, Haz." Liam calls out. "I'm going to ride with Deen so he can finish telling me about when he was playing with Journey."

"Yeah, me too." Louis says.

"Jackie, you, Drew, Niall and Harry can take one vehicle. Me, Amber and these three can follow in the other." Ken suggests.

"Sounds fine with me." Harry and Jacqueline say together again.

"How far is this place?" Drew asks. "I'm so hungry I can eat a whole pizza by myself." Drew says.

Harry glances at Jacqueline, smirking. "Not far, you won't starve." He says.

"Tell that to our empty stomach's." Niall complains.

"Yeah well, Harry isn't getting a speeding ticket just because of your whining asses, so zip it back there." Jacqueline teases, she then turns and looks at Niall. "When did you start wearing glasses, you look cute with them on." She adds.

Niall shrugs. "They're not prescription, I had a photoshoot a couple of years ago and one the designer's put a set of frames on me." Niall says. "I liked the way the pictures turned out so I got several pair with just regular glass in them, I think they make me look smarter." He says smiling.

"You look very distinguished, and I love the hair. Getting rid of the blonde was the right way to go." Jacqueline says making Niall blush.

"Thanks Jack." Niall says with a beaming grin.

Then much to her and everyone else's surprise Jacqueline reaches out and runs her fingers through Harry's shorter hair, almost causing him to run off the road. "And you? I loved your long hair, the way it curled at the end." She says. "But I have to admit this hair style looks really good, makes you look older. I really, really like it." Jacqueline says as Harry parks his car.

"Thanks." Harry says softly, leaving it at that for now. As they were approaching the door he sees Ken kiss Amber and frowns, looking down at Jacqueline.

"They're married, I was auditioning her when I found he was a musician also." Jacqueline whispers. "I got lucky when they both agreed to be a part of the band." She says.

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