Chapter 20

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Jacqueline shakes Deen Castronovo's hand before walking away, thinking how lucky she is a drummer of his caliber has agreed to work with her, a nobody in this profession.

"Ms. Taylor? That song we just did? Did you write it?" Deen asks before she could walk out the door.

Jacqueline nods. "Yeah, I did, I write all my own songs. Thanks again, it's an honor having someone who used to play with Journey agreeing to be my drummer." She says.

"Oh baby." He says, seeing her wince at the word. "You're amazing, and will go far in this industry. It's my pleasure."

Jay Jay watches as his new lead singer walks away. "Hmm, wonder who was stupid enough to hurt her."

Deen shrugs. "I wonder how she talked you out of retirement." He says.

"That's easy." Jay Jay says. "I heard her sing that exact song, looked at my wife bawling her eyes out and begged her to let me have the job." He says causing the rest of the band to laugh and nod.

"It is a damn good song. I feel sorry for the guy it was written for though." Deen says, holding the door open so he can lock up.

"So, we're really gonna do this?" Niall asks, setting his beer down on the table, looking at Harry who is across from him. "We've had this talk in the past, several times, for the past three years."

"I know, and yes I really mean it this time." Harry says playing with the straw in his mixed drink. "Fuck guys, we've all been all over the world in the past five years, none of us have found her."

"Are you giving up?" Louis asks.

"Hell no, I can't." Harry says.

"What if she's moved on, found someone else?" Liam asks.

Harry shrugs. "Then I guess I'll have to respect that, if I find her." He says.

"Have you been with anyone in the past five years?" Louis asks.

"No. Can you become a virgin again? If so I fit the bill." He snorts.

"Okay, so we make the announcement we're back. Then what, do we take songs Jack wrote we didn't put on other albums and record those or write our own since we now know Harry can write bangers too." Niall says.

"You're not so bad yourself Niall." Harry says, patting his friend's arm. "In fact we all did pretty good in the writing department while we were working solo." He says.

"Then why not do both?" Liam says. "We can collaborate together, write some songs, and use Jack's."

"Great idea." Louis says, standing up. "Let's go tell Jeff."

Jacqueline steps out of the limo and just stares at the building in front of her for several seconds before continuing. Once inside she turns to the guys with her. "Have a seat, I'll come get you when I've had the chance to talk to Jason." She says, walking down the hallway toward the set of double doors. She doesn't knock, she just walks in.

Jason looks up when he hears his door open, the look of shock spreads across his face. "I'll have to call you back." He says hanging his phone up. He then stands and walks around his desk. "Oh God, Jack." He sighs, pulling her to him, hugging her like he did years ago. "Girl I've missed you so much. Where the hell have you been?"

"Everywhere." Jacqueline says with a shrug.

"Okay. Are you staying?" Jason asks.

This time she nods. "It's time." Jacqueline says with a smile.

Jason raises one eyebrow. "Really? You have a band?" He asks his smile growing.

"Yeah, come meet them please. They're right outside." Jacqueline says getting excited. She grabs Jason's hand and takes him to where her band is sitting. "Okay, Jason, this is Deen, my drummer, Jay Jay, lead guitarist, Amber, plays keyboards, Drew, plays bass, and Ken, rhythm or acoustic guitar. Guys this is Jason Johnston my manager."

Jay Jay stands up. "Wait, you already have a manager? I thought you said you've never done anything like this before." He says.

Jacqueline takes a deep breath. "I haven't, but the truth is, I already have millions. I've been writing songs for other artists for years, since I was twelve, thirteen. But this will be the first time I'll be performing my own songs."

"I'm assuming all of you have your own managers?" Jason asks, at everyone's nods he nods. "Good then all we have to do is make this girl's album and get her on stage. Jack what name are you using?" He asks, again confusing her band.

"Jason I only write as Jack Tay. In the real world I'm me, Jacqueline or Jackie Taylor." Jacqueline says.

"Holy shit, you're Jack Tay?" Drew asks.

"I am." Jacqueline says.

"Then you wrote Hello by Adele." Drew says.

"That and a few others. She's been one of my favorite artists to write for, she's so nice." Jacqueline says.

"Okay, you guys ready to get to work? I created a record studio in the basement of this building praying for this day to come along. I'm glad we're finally getting some use out of it." Jason says as he shows everyone to the, state of the art, recording studio, with a sound booth and everything else needed.

"Wow, Jason this is perfect." Deen says.

"Yeah, everything here is fairly easy to run." Ken says, putting his arm around Amber.

"Ken and I have learned how to work many different types of sound boards over the years." Amber says as she looks at the equipment.

"Great, have fun and let me know if you need anything." Jason says before walking out of the room.

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