Chapter 21

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Harry sits back in his chair, looking at the monitor. "So that's it, we're done?" He asks Julian.

"Yeah, you guys have matured a lot since the last time we did this." Julian says. "In the way you act and your voices. We didn't have as many do overs as we used to."

"So all we have left now is to figure out when to drop this and put out the single." Liam says, rubbing his hands together.

"What is the single going to be?" Niall asks.

"If I Could Fly." Harry and Louis both say at the same time.

"Yeah." Liam and Niall then say.

"Chin up bud, she'll hear the song." Louis says as they leave to talk to Jeff. "She'll hear what you're saying."

"I hope so, I miss her so much." Harry whispers.

Jacqueline looks at everyone else in the room as the last note dies and the room goes quiet. "Is that it, we're done?" She asks.

Ken nods. "Yep, my darling girl, I do believe you have your first album." Ken says laughing as he starts pulling everyone in for a hug.

"It's only been a month." Jacqueline laughs. "Are other artists that fast or we that good?" She asks.

"Not us, you." Amber says. "We should call you One Run. Hun let me tell you, I've never worked with a singer who can lay down a track, as many times as you have, as perfectly as you have, on one album. It took Mr. Sir Mix-A-Lot longer to do his job than you to sing the entire twelve songs." She teases her husband.

"Hey." Ken say, acting hurt. "I just wanted our girl's first album to be perfect." He says.

"I'd say we hit the mark." Deen says, twirling his drumsticks between his fingers. "So what's going to be the single?"

"Can I make a suggestion?" Jay Jay asks.

"Sure, we all have a say in this." Jacqueline says, sitting in the older man lap.

"I think it should be Million Reasons, for a million reasons." Jay Jay says. "But, mainly because, sweety, he needs to hear it."

Jacqueline finally told the entire band about Harry, how she's never gotten over him, still loves him as much now as she did then. She lays her head on Jay Jay's shoulder and nods. "What if he's moved on, still wants nothing to do with me?" She asks quietly.

Amber grabs her hand. "What if he's been looking for you all these years? And this is the sign he's needing?"

"Okay, we'll use Million Reasons, as the first single." Jacqueline says. "Now Jason can confirm our appearance at the festival in two weeks. You think we'll be ready?"

"Come on sis." Drew says, the only person in the band close to her age. Every time she looks at him she thinks, he'd be the perfect person for brother Gavin, if he was still living, or even Niall. "You're amazing, as long as we don't fuck things up you're golden."

Jacqueline laughs. "I love you guys." She says.

Jeff looks at the four guys across from him. "So the album is done, and you've picked the single?"

They all nod. "All we need is a release date." Louis says.

"Tell you what, there's a music festival in two weeks." Jeff says. "Let me give the event coordinator a call, see if they have any openings for more performers."

"Tell them we'd like to donate our share of any money made to the Trevor Foundation." Harry says, having already cleared it with the others.

Jeff picks up his phone and dials the number he's learned by heart. "Hey Ryan, this is Jeff." He says, then laughs. "That's why I'm calling, do you have a opening."

"Of course, they can close the show. But, just to let you know, since I know the history." Ryan says. "I have a new artist doing her debut here, her name is Jack-ie Tay-lor, she's going to be playing right before your boys."

Jeff struggles to keep the shock from showing on his face. "You don't say, that's great, oh and the boys said they'd like it to be known that they're donating their portion of the money paid to them to The Trevor Foundation."

"Well, what do you know, so is Jackie, in case the boys are there and ask her bands name is called Forevermore." Ryan says.

"Okay, thanks Ryan, see you soon." Jeff says then hangs up.

"Was that Ryan Seacrest?" Harry asks.

"Sure was, he thrilled to have you guys at his music festival and is having you close the place down." Jeff says, then he inserts his own little white lie here. "But he asks that you get there a few hours early, just in case fans want pictures, since this will be the first time in five years the four of you will be seen together in public."

"Not a bad idea. As the fans on SM, no pic didn't happen." Niall says. "Hell I might find me a boyfriend."

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