Chapter 8

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Following the directions he typed into Jacqueline's GPS he pulls up to a gate, giving the attendant his name she smiles at him, gives him his and Jacqueline's pass keys and allows them to drive in. As he drove toward the address on the paper Paul gave him he realizes they'll be living in a house, belonging in a gated community, not some penthouse or condo close to their school. Harry parks in the driveway, runs to unlock the door, then he returns to slide Jacqueline from the passenger seat to take her inside. He takes a quick second to look around, then heads up the steps, he figures since they're sharing a room he may as well claim the master bedroom.
Pushing the door open with the toe of his boot, Harry almost drops Jacqueline when he sees the sheer size of the room. Hell this one room is almost as big as three rooms in the condo he and the guys are living in now. With a shake of his head, Harry walks to the largest bed he's ever seen and carefully lowers Jacqueline onto it, he then walks into the bathroom finds a washcloth, wets it with cool water, takes it and places it on her forehead. He then sits next to her with his back against the headboard and waits for the others.
After what seems like hours, Harry finally hears what sounds like the garage door opening. But just as he's about to ease out of the bed Jacqueline sit straight up and let's out this blood curdling scream that takes about ten years off his life. Dropping down beside her Harry wraps his arms and legs around her in a full body hug.
"Shh, baby, you're fine, I've got you. No one is going to hurt you now." He whispers over and over, rocking the girl tucked close to him.

"Wow, impressive." Jason says softly as he approaches the couple on the bed, holding a syringe up. "In case she gets combative, she has in the past." He whispers. "But hopefully we won't need that, she's never allowed anybody close enough to touch her when she has episodes like this."

Harry just shrugs, not knowing what to say about that information, he then looks toward the door and sees Liam sign to him that he and Louis packed his things. Nodding he signs back for him to leave them by the door. Liam waves and walks away.
Harry isn't sure what to do so he inches back, keeping Jacqueline in his arms, and reclines back where he was, before he knows it he's drifting off to sleep.

Waking up the next morning was like something Jacqueline has never experienced before. The first thing she notices is she's not alone, mostly due to the fact that she has two muscular arms wrapped tightly around her waist and two very long legs draped over hers. Her head is resting comfortably in the hollow between his shoulder and chest, and she can feel his rhythmic heart beat against her back. But what she'd really like to know is where is she and how she got here. Just as she's about to move there's a low groan behind her that literally vibrates throughout her entire body.

"Please don't move to quickly." Harry whispers softly. "We've been like this since right after school yesterday and I need to piss so bad I'm not sure I'll make it in time."

Jacqueline giggles. "I can bring you a hose and hope for the best."

Harry laughs, then says. "Oh shit." And jumps from the bed not even taking the time to shut the door. "Sorry about that."

Jacqueline shakes her head she asks. "Where are we?" Going to the bathroom herself.

Harry smiles at her when she walks back into the bedroom. "Welcome home dear."

Jacqueline's head snaps up and she looks around. "This doesn't look like a room that belongs in an apartment, condo or a penthouse."

"You're right, it's not. Jeff and Jason found us a house in a gated neighborhood to hide out in until this all blows over." Harry says, watching you carefully.

"Hmm, okay. So how did I get here?" She asks as she unpacks her bags, leaving room in each drawer for some of Harry's things.

"I drove you in your car." Harry says quietly as he adds his stuff along side hers.

Jacqueline's hands freeze for a moment, then she continues. "I had a panic attack didn't I?"

"I guess, if what you went through yesterday is what that's called." Harry says.

"Did I hurt you?" She asks, her voice shaking slightly.

Harry turns and pulls Jacqueline into his arms. "Oh, baby no, you never once got violent at all. You screamed once, that's it. You didn't even need the tranquilizer Jason brought." He whispers, rubbing his hands up and down her back.

Jacqueline nods. "If we've been here that long, and you say holding me, when did you last eat?"

"Louis brought me up a sandwich last night." Harry says as he places his t-shirts next yours.

"That sandwich?" Jacqueline asks, pointing at the barely half eaten one on the bedside table.

Harry shrugs. "Wasn't very hungry, I just wanted to make sure you'd be okay."

"Thank you. I do have another question though." Jacqueline says as they make their way down the stairs.

"Okay." Harry says.

"Would you and the other guys mind going to my interview with me tonight? I've never done anything like this before and I'll feel more comfortable with someone I know there with me." Jacqueline asks shyly.

"I'll be there even if the other guys have other plans. I promise." Harry says as they walk into the kitchen.

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