Chapter 9

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The next day at school went so much better for everyone since there was no sign of Brad, Andy and Quinn. But as the last class of the day rolls around Harry notices how quiet Jacqueline has gotten. Once they were seated, he leans closer to her and whispers. "You Okay? You've gone all quiet on me."

Jacqueline nods, then shakes her head. "I'm not sure what to say during this interview. I'm scared shitless."

"Oh baby." Harry says, reaching for her hand. "Just answer the questions you're asked as honestly as you can. And if you don't want to just tell them it's none of their business."

She nods still unsure, but she gets through to the end of class. When they walk out of the building they see a limo waiting to take them to the station where the interview will be taking place. Jacqueline makes it through getting her hair and makeup done, but when it's time to walk out and sit down she almost loses it. Her hold on Harry's hand tightens so much he winces.

"Miss Tay we're on air in five, we need you in your place please." The producer says.

"I can't. I can't go out there alone." Jacqueline cries.

"I'll go with you." Harry says on impulse, pulling her behind him, he sits her in the seat and perches on the arm, daring anyone to try and remove him from the set.

When the host finally walks out and sees how Harry is trying to calm Jacqueline down she turns to her assistant. "Sandra, have William bring Mr. Styles and the rest of the boy from One Direction a seat. We want to make Miss Tay as comfortable with this process as possible and if having her friends on stage with works then I'm fine with it."

Harry gives Jacqueline a small poke, getting her to look at him, he then points. When she looks at what he's indicating at she smiles. Two of the staff members were carrying a small sofa to where they were and Liam, Louis and Niall were following along with Mrs. Husk the host.

"Mrs. Husk, thank you for this." Jacqueline says, shaking the host's hand, her own still shaking from nerves.

"Jack, hun, my main goal here has always been to tell my guest's truth and helping them be as comfortable as possible as they do that. If you having your friends here with you is your comfort blanket then I'm fine with that, if you need your manager or anyone else I'll bring my office furniture out to accommodate you." She says with a kind smile. "Now is there any topic off limits? Jason told me I can ask about anything."

Jacqueline shakes her head. "Ask whatever you want." She says sitting back down as close to Harry as she can. "I'll just not answer it if I don't want to."

"Fair enough." Mrs. Husk says. "But you all can call me Nancy." She says, she then turns to look into the camera. "Good afternoon, today I have been given the privilege to do the very first live and in person interview to the amazing Jack Tay. For those of you who may not know who this wonderful person is, I'll give you a brief background look. Jack became known to me several years ago when this hit song hit the airwaves." Nancy says as the studio pipes in the song Hey Soul Sister by Train. "But soon other hits followed by many artists such as Adele, Shawn Mendes, Charlie Puth, and yes the special guests I also have here today. So ladies and gentlemen it is my greatest pleasure to introduce you to the talented Miss Jack Tay." Nancy says clapping her hands. "And our special guests Liam, Niall, Louis and Harry known as One Direction. I'd like to welcome you all to the show."

They all say thank you at the same time.

"Okay, Jack. Now that my whole viewing audience now knows you're a young woman, can you tell us why you went with the pen name Jack Tay?" Nancy asks, keeping the questions simple at first.

"When I wrote and submitted my first song it was rejected due to my age and gender." She explains with a shrug. "So knowing the exec's probably never even looked at the lyrics I changed the name and resubmitted it, leaving off my age."

"Brilliant. At what age was this?" She asks.

Jacqueline tilts her thinking. "I believe, at the time I was around twelve, or so." She says causing the studio audience to gasp.

The next several questions were about the same, easy light hearted questions, she even involves the guys in some, for the fans in the audience. But during the commercial break she warns Jacqueline she will be moving on to the tougher topics.
"Welcome back everyone, before the commercial break we were discussing what you're currently doing now, can you elaborate?" Nancy asks.

"Other than school and studying, I'm currently working on some new songs to submit to my manager for him to send to an artist who has requested I write a few songs for them, and I'm sorry I can't say who right now." Jacqueline adds quickly.

"Explain to us why you took your parents to court." Nancy says bluntly, and Jacqueline can feel Harry's hand on her back freeze. "What little I could find said you "divorced" them due to money." She continues, and she feels Harry's hand pull away completely.

Clasping her hands tightly together in her lap, she nod. "I did, yes. But I had my reasons. When I would get home from school, my dad would lock me in my room, I wouldn't be aloud out to eat, use the restroom, shower, anything until I gave either him or my mom at least four or five decent songs to hand over to my manager at that time. Later I found out I was nearly broke, my parents were spending my money as fast as I could make it, or taking it from my savings account to add to theirs." She says honestly.

"We'll be right back after these messages." Nancy says.

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