Chapter 18

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Walking into the venue the next night earlier than they usually would due to their botched rehearsal the night before, the guys decided to just sing their new songs, make sure they have those down, skipping the better known ones so not to overuse their voices. Once the warmup is over, Harry takes Jacqueline's hand in his asking her to follow him.
"Hey Mark, can you do me a favor please?" He asks, pulling a picture with the name Hannah Westbrook on it out of his pocket. "Make sure everyone has a copy of this, and don't let her in." Harry stresses. "She's been blowing my phone up for hours and just won't leave me alone, maybe this way she'll get the message."

"Why don't you just block her?" Mark asks, sticking the picture in the copier so he can pass it to the others.

"Didn't think of that." Harry says with a half smile, pulling his phone out, but instead of blocking Hannah's number, he deletes it. "There, nothing I can do about social media, but this I can control."

Mark holds the pictures up. "I'll get these passed out to the security at the doors, but I'm warning you, she may still slip through."

"I know, but I just wanted her stopped if at all possible." Harry says, wrapping his arm around Jacqueline's shoulders. "You're awful quiet." Harry says as they head back to the dressing rooms.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about how amazing the new songs sound." Jacqueline says truthfully. "I can't wait to hear the rest of the album, it'll be your best one."

"You think so?" Harry asks with a smile.

"I do. The music you guys added to these lyrics sound so mature, older." Jacqueline says. "A couple of them sound primal." She says just as her phone rings. "Oh, I need to take this." She says before speaking softly into her phone.
"Hang on I'll ask I'm sure it's fine." She says, covering her phone. "Hey guys? You don't mind if Kim and Kanye stop by to meet you guys do you?"

"Are you fucking kidding?" Liam says, his voice going up a few octaves.

Jacqueline chuckles. "Kim, it's fine, I'll meet you out front." She says. "Yeah, you too."

"I'll be right back, they're right down the road, they happened to see the marquee and knew we were together." Jacqueline says before sprinting out of the room. A few minutes later she walks back in with Kanye, Kim and Kim's sister Kendall. "Okay, you guys know who Kim and Kanye are, this is Kim's sister Kendall, guys this is Liam, Niall, Louis and my boyfriend Harry." She introduces, not liking the way Harry is looking at Kendall, or her him. Right before they were all getting ready to leave the room so the guys can go to the stage, Jacqueline notices how Harry makes sure he's standing next to Kendall, not her. She sees when he places his hand on the center of her back to escort her to her seat, ignoring her.

Harry walks onto the stage and grabs his mic stand only to have Louis grab his arm. "You're a fuck prick, you've learned nothing these past few days at all." Louis hisses.

Harry leans back not understanding what brought on this attack. "What the hell are you talking about?" He snaps.

Louis spins Harry so he can see Jacqueline, how she's trying to hide her tears. "Look at her, what you did with your flirting. Do you even realize what you just did? Walking, the oh so beautiful, Kendall to her seat so sweetly, ignoring Jack? After what just happened with Hannah can you imagine what's going through her head right now?" Louis snaps, walking off.

Jacqueline sits in her seat, trying but failing to control her emotions. Finally she gives up and runs to the bathroom, she's only in there seconds when Kendall walks in. "Sorry, I saw you were crying, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She says.

Jacqueline shakes her head, then for reasons unknown, explains everything that's happened and why she's upset. "I'm just not sure I can trust him now, I mean look how quickly he turned to you, forgetting about me." She says.

"I don't know what to say. I have no interest in your boyfriend, I thought he was just being nice." Kendall tells the beautiful girl in front of her. "I have a boyfriend myself, he's a basketball player. All I can say is, if he's that quick to flirt with a pretty face with you in or out of the room, maybe he's not really ready for a serious relationship. But, hun, that's for you to decide, not me to tell you. I'm so sorry."

Jacqueline nods. "Thank you Kendall. I'm sorry I thought you were flirting with him on purpose."

"I'd never do that, once you said he was yours, I knew he was off limits." Kendall says with a smile. "Besides I really love my guy, he's the best."

Jacqueline nods as they leave the bathroom and return to their seats, she still didn't know what to do about Harry. Until they find out who is behind these threats, she's stuck having to be near him twenty-four seven, unless she ran away, goes underground, buries herself in her writing.

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