Chapter 3

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It's been three days since the classroom incident, but unfortunately the bullying hasn't changed. Jacqueline has noticed that Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall seem to no longer associate with their former friends, which is a plus in her books, but when they're not around the guys have upped their tactics when it comes to how they treat her. And she seems to be their primary target, she shakes her head as she tries to steady her hands enough to punch in the code to get the elevator to take her to her to her penthouse apartment. Dropping her bag carefully on her sofa, Jacqueline makes her way to the bathroom to study the damage done. Brad was on target with his aim, hitting in all the right places. Her right eye is already starting to bruise, so is her left cheek. With a sigh Jacqueline reaches for her rarely used makeup and starts covering the damage so Jason doesn't suspect what's going on.
Parking her Bugatti in her spot in the parking garage, Jacqueline checks the mirror to make sure everything still looks good, runs her fingers through her hair, causing the natural curls to spring around her neck and shoulders. She then exits her car, smooths down her slacks and heads toward Jason's office. She taps on his door walking in when she hears his voice call for her to enter, stepping in the room she stops when she sees the other gentleman sitting in the seat in front of the desk.

"Ah, Jack, please come in and have a seat." Jason says with a wave of his hand.

As Jacqueline makes her way into the room, the surprised look on Jason's guest's face is clear to see. Walking around the desk, Jacqueline places her hand on Jason's shoulder, kisses his cheek, then sits as asked. "I'm assuming this gentleman here is the reason you asked me to come in today." She says in her soft voice.

Jason nods as Jeff introduces himself. "Jeff Azoff, manager for One Direction." He says, shaking her hand.

Jacqueline returns the gesture and nods. "Nice to meet you Mr. Azoff."

"Oh please, call me Jeff." Jeff says, still unable to believe the multiple hit songs his boys have put out over the past few years were written by this beautiful, very young, lady.

"Very well, Jeff, what exactly is this all about?" Jacqueline asks.

Jeff shifts in his seat, looking the girl in the eyes. "Truthfully, I thought it was time to meet the person who has made my clients famous. If it wasn't for you and your amazing talent they'd still be singing cover song in clubs downtown." He says.

Jacqueline chuckles. "I highly doubt that, but thank you. I just type out words, it's those four guys who make them have a life of their own, make them have more meaning." She says, meaning every word said.

Jeff nods as he reaches for Jack's hand. "Look, the boys love the new songs you sent them. Right now, even though they're on break, they're in the studio trying to lay down a good melody base to fit the lyrics you gave them. But what they'd really like is to get the opportunity to meet you, thank you personally." Jeff explains, practically begging with his eyes.

"Oh, I don't know." Jacqueline says.

"Jack, hun, I think it's a good idea." Jason says. "People really need to know Taylor lied about what she said in that article about you."

Jeff frowns confused. "What article?

"Last year Jack wrote a couple of songs for Taylor Swift, she loved them. But after she recorded them she refused to give Jack writer's credit, she said it wouldn't look good to her fans if they thought she didn't write her own songs." Jason explains to Jeff.

"We had to take her to court and make her remove the songs from her album." Jacqueline adds. "I then, out of spite, sent the songs to you." She says with a smirk. "They were One Direction's biggest hits last year. That's why she spoke shit about me during an interview."

"But Taylor kept saying he, or him. So won't everyone be shocked to find out she's a HER." Jason laughs.

"So the rumor about you refusing to work with her again is true?" Jeff asks laughing. When Jacqueline nods, he laughs even harder. "Look, you don't have to worry about the boys, they're not like that. But I won't pressure you, just let it be known they'd all like to meet you." Jeff says before leaving.

After the door is closed and Jacqueline thinks there's been enough time for him to reach the elevator, she turns and looks at Jason. "Do you really think this is a good idea?" She asks, at his nod she continues. "What if they recognize me? You've been trying for years to keep the school me and the work me as separate as possible."

Jason shrugs. "You're a senior this year, and whether you realize it or not the makeup isn't doing the job as well as you think." Jason whispers, trying to not show how pissed he really is. "I'm not sure if Jeff noticed or not, but, babe, I know you, have for years. So who did that to you?"

Jacqueline shakes her head. "I'd rather not say. Please Jason, if we're going to finally let the world know who I am just let it go. I'm sure things will get better." She says.

"It wasn't Jeff's boys was it?" Jason asks.

"God no." Jacqueline says. "In fact they spoke up, stopped the guys from doing this one day. But they can't be by my side at all times."

"No but we can do a TV interview, let the world know the real Jack Tay, send a bodyguard to school with you to show we mean business." Jason says, finally showing his anger.

Jacqueline just nods as she hugs the man she's come to love over the years.

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