Chapter 13

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The next day Jacqueline is sitting next to Harry's bed, her phone resting on her knee, her hand covering his. His wonderful mom has just asked her a question and she's trying to figure out how to answer it. She goes for honesty. "Harry being shot is all my fault, if he hadn't been trying to keep me out of harm's way this would have never happened."

"Oh Jacqueline, don't think that way." Anne says. "Loulou, told us what happened while you were sleeping, this isn't your fault dear."

Harry is in that foggy half sleep/half awake state, he can feel the weight of Jacqueline's hand on his, but hearing his mum's voice shouldn't be happening. Forcing his eyes open he sees Jacqueline in the same place as the night before. Clearing his throat he asks. "Who you talking to?"

Jacqueline looks at Harry, to see if he's in any discomfort. "Your mom and sister." She says with a soft smile, pointing to the other side of the bed.

"What?" Harry asks spinning in that direction to quickly. "Oh, ow. Shit, what are you guys doing here?" He asks as a grin splits his face.

"Really son? You seriously think LouLou can call me, tell about you being shot and me not want to fly here to see what is going on?" Anne says as she runs her fingers through Harry's hair.

Harry looks at his sister, catching her smirking at Jacqueline. "And you Gem?" He asks almost afraid of the answer.

"Well baby bro, let's just say you better be glad your girlfriend here had your phone." Gemma says laughing. "She handled the ass chewing intended for you much better than say a nurse would have." She adds, causing Jacqueline to laugh, but neither she or Harry corrected her on the girlfriend statement. She and Jacqueline then tell him about the phone call.

"Where are the guys?" Harry asks looking around. "I figured they'd be here too."

"Food, we need to eat, and I damn sure ain't eating the garbage they serve here." Jacqueline says. "Paul is with them, Marco is right outside the door."

"Oh, I see how it is." Harry pouts. "Make me eat the garbage they serve here and save all good stuff for yourselves."

"Geeze, I'll share with you if you promise to never make that God awful face again." Jacqueline laughs. "You're way to pretty to be that ugly." She says as the guys walk through the door.

Gemma laughs. "No wonder she writes such bangers, she has a way with words."

Jacqueline bows her head. "I do try."

"Okay, let's eat. I'm starving." Liam says. Placing the pizza boxes on Harry's bedside table. "Hey Marco, yo hubby sent you your fave, get yo ass in here."

"Did you pay for this?" Jacqueline asks as she gives Harry a bite of her slice.

"Tried to." Niall answers, with his mouth full of food.

"Niall!" Jacqueline laughs. "Chew, swallow, then speak." She says, using Harry's words. Then she sees the look in Louis' eyes and slaps her hand over his mouth. "Don't even, I swear to God I live with bunch neanderthals." She laughs.

Gemma chokes on her food. "Lives with?" She says with one raised eyebrow. "Anyone like to explain that comment?"

"I will." Jeff says, sitting on the foot of Harry's bed. He then tells Anne and Gemma everything that's happened since they've officially met. "Jason and I just thought it would be easier to protect them if they were together, in the same place."

"Okay, that's actually not a bad idea." Gemma concedes.

"So exactly where are you living now?" Anne asks. "We came straight here from the airport."

"We live in a gated neighborhood in a really nice house." Harry says. "I'm sure the guys will enjoy showing you around."

Gemma tosses her plate in the trash then leans back and crosses her arms over her chest. "What I'd like to know is how did you decide who got the master bedroom? Or did you give it to Jack because she's the only female?"

Harry shakes his head, but before he could say anything Jacqueline does. "No, due to Jason and Jeff believing me to being the prime target they thought it best if Harry and I shared that room so I'd have someone with me at all times. He's the biggest so he so got the task."

"Separate beds?" Anne asks.

"Not really, but may as well be since the damn thing is as big as our largest classroom." Jacqueline quips.

Anne chuckles. "Well I can tell you've been around these boys for way to long. My dear, they're rubbing off on you."

"Good." The four guys says at the same time.

"Oh, that just reminded me." Jacqueline laughs, pulling a sheet of paper out of her, ever present, bag. "I wrote you guys another song. I hope you like it."

"Oh sweet, we'll start working on this one when Harry's better." Niall says, taking the paper from her hand.

"And Jason I emailed you the lyrics to the three songs Adele asked for. If she wants any changes, let me know." Jacqueline says not seeing the shocked look on Harry's mom and sister's faces.

"We're going to let these boys show us where you live." Anne says, kissing Harry's cheek, then Jacqueline's. "Jetlag is a real thing, see you tomorrow my babies." She waves as she walks out the door.

"Wow, your mom and sister are amazing." Jacqueline says, laying her head on Harry's shoulder.

"Yeah, the greatest." Harry mumbles right before they both drift off to sleep.

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