Chapter 6

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Louis grabs the keys to the Range Rove on their way out the door for school. Glancing over at Harry, he sees he's texting someone. "Who you talking to? He asks.

"Huh, oh, Jack." Harry says. "I told her to wait until we got there before entering the building, we'll walk her in. After what happened the other day I don't want to take a chance Brad realized who she was after he and Andy left."

"Not a bad idea." Liam says, handing Niall the rest of his sausage sandwich. "But which Jack are we getting today?"

Harry shrugs as he unbuckles his seat belt. "Don't know, we're about to find out though." He says as he grabs his bag from the back of the vehicle. As they're walking toward the building, Harry spots Jacqueline right away. She's leaning against a Kia Sorento, her hair in it's customary ponytail, but she left it curly, and she ditched the glasses.

Niall smiles. "Cool beans, we got a little of both. Hopefully she'll still be as sassy as she was the other day too." He says, causing Harry to try and hide his growing smile.

"I heard that Mr. Horan." Jacqueline says as she watches the four guys approach her. "Haven't you learned anything from hanging around Tomlinson here that to much sass can get you in trouble?" She says falling in line beside Harry.

"Hey, it can also get you out of trouble if you use it properly." Louis says. "I'm the king of sass, I know."

"So I've heard." Jacqueline says as Harry opens the door, waving her through first. Once she goes through her normal routine at her locker, she walks to the guys locker with them so they can all go to class together. As soon as she steps in the classroom she stops, causing Harry to walk into her, almost knocking her over. The next thing she knows his arms are around her, holding her upright.

"What?" Harry whispers.

Jacqueline points. "Look." She whispers back loud enough for all four guys to hear her.

When they all look in the direction she's pointing they see five desks along the back wall, Marco, standing at one end of the line, Paul, One Direction's head of security, at the other.
"What the hell?" Harry says, not realizing he grabs Jacqueline's hand as they move to the back of the room. "Paul, what is all this?" He asks.

"Orders from the big man. Your schedules, all your schedules, have been modified. You are now all in the same class, every room will be set up this way. Marco will be with Jack until further notice." Paul explains.

"But why?" Niall asks. "Not that I don't mind, but I don't understand. It was Jack who was being threatened."

Paul pulls his phone out and hands it to Jacqueline since she was standing in the center. "Read the email sent to the head office kids."

"Wow, so we've all been targeted." Liam says.

"I'm so sorry guys, this is all my fault." Jacqueline whispers.

Marco finally decides to step up and speak. "No, my dear, it's not." He says showing her his phone. "That's why I took this job, with my husband standing behind me one hundred percent. We will not stand for you five to be a target just because you support the LGBTQ community."

"Oh Marco." Jacqueline says, throwing her arms around his waist, hugging him. "Thank you so much, I'd give you kiss on the cheek if I could reach it." She smirks, causing everyone to laugh.

Marco shrugs as he leans down, pointing to his cheek, with a grin. "I think I just might like this job if I get to watch over great kids like you."

"Yeah to bad we're not always together." Harry says, glancing over at Jacqueline.

Paul gives a slight cough. "Uhm, that's something we haven't told you yet. Jeff and Jason aren't sure the person or people behind the emails don't know where you live. So they've gotten you, temporarily, a new place not far from here. You just can't take any classmates there."

"Never did anyway." They all say at the same time.

"Good." Paul says, clapping his hands together. "We'll fill you in on everything else at lunch." He says before he and Marco move back to their places.

"Geeze, what more can there be?" Jacqueline mutters, only Harry hearing her.

"Who knows." He whispers back, nodding toward the door, letting her know Brad and company just walked in.

"Hey guys? Why are you all of a sudden hanging out with the nerd?" Quinn asks as more students file into the classroom.

Janie, one of the only girls in the whole school to ever speak to Jacqueline shakes her head. "Neanderthals." She says loud and clear. "I thought people like you died out during the ice ages."

"Oh shut up bitch." Brad snaps.

"That's Miss Bitch to you honey." Janie sneers as she sits in one of the desks close to the five in the back.

"You tell him sweet cheeks." Louis says with a laugh.

Janie looks over her shoulder. "That I'll allow, but just this once." She says with a saucey wink.

Louis slaps his hand over his heart. "I'm in love." He cries out dramatically, making everyone laugh, everyone except Brad, Quinn and Andy.

"Very nice Mr. Tomlinson." Their teacher, Mrs. Chamberlain, says as she enters the room. "But save it for acting class, as for the rest of you, please ignore the giants at the rear of the class and keep your eyes on me. Now turn to page three fourteen in your lit book." She says as she starts the class.

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