Chapter 26

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Louis, Liam and Niall are all pissed as they make their way through the airport to where Jacqueline and the rest of her band is waiting, here it's been over a month since Harry's seen her and here he is dragging Kendall along with them. Seeing Drew, Niall picks up his pace so he's the only one to notice when Jacqueline sees Harry and Kendall walking toward them together, and he sees the tears enter her eyes, how she wipes them away so no one else notices.

"Hey, look who we happened to run into when we got here." Niall says quickly. "When she found out we were meeting you she begged us to bring her along so she could say hi." He tells the group.

"That's right." Kendall says, stepping up to give Jacqueline a hug. "I saw these guys while I was waiting for my husband's plane to land, I figured I have time for a quick hello for an old friend." She smiles.

Jacqueline smiles. "Husband? When did that happen?" She asks. "When I saw you and Jordan a couple of years ago you weren't anywhere near marriage yet." She says shocking them all, not believing that she'd kept in touch Kendall but not Jason.

Kendall laughs. "We got married two months later, Jordan told me some of the things you said to him got him thinking. So thank you."

"I'm sure it would have happened anyway, but congratulations anyway. I'm so happy for you." Jacqueline says.

"Thanks, damn I wish we had more time." Kendall groans. "But Jordan's plane just landed and you guys need to go. Call me." She yells as she jogs off.

Jacqueline waves then turns and goes to stand next to Jay Jay and Deen leaving Drew with Niall, and not even looking at Harry again. Once on the plane Jacqueline curls up next Marco, laying her head on his arm, covering up with a blanket, and closes her eyes. She then promptly falls asleep, having not slept good for several nights.

"She okay?" Niall asks Drew, knowing Harry can hear him.

"Hell I don't know. She's been pacing our place like a caged animal all week." Drew says, glancing at Jacqueline. "I don't know if she's nervous about the show or." He just shrugs.

"You two live together?" Harry asks, surprised.

"Uh duh, she's like a sister to me, I love her." Drew says. "Besides, she didn't want to live alone, she's been getting hang up calls, don't know why." He says, causing Marco to tense, and send a text to Jason as a warning.

"I'm sure she's just stressed out about doing her first concert in front of a crowd of this magnitude." Deen says, tapping his drumsticks on anything in reach. "Trust me, the first time I walked out on stage to a full stadium, and this is no joke, I literally passed the fuck out. Damn concert was delayed for fifteen minutes." He laughs.

"I'm sure she'll be fine once she gets some rest." Amber says. "Beside Deen is more than likely right, she and I were watching some of your last concerts, you sure did pack them in didn't you?"

Louis chuckles. "We have the best fans in the world."

"I can say they're very protective of you guys." Ken says, joining in on the conversation. "I jokingly made a comment on one of Liam's Twitter comments last week. Hell I'll never do that again, my Twitter blew up, it took forever to convince them I was joking and that we'll be traveling together for the next year or so. I'd still be getting hate if Liam hadn't jumped in and saved my ass." He laughs.

Harry smiles as he sits and listens to both bands banter back and forth with each other, while he watches his beautiful Jacqueline sleep. Their drummer, Sarah, talking to Deen, both sharing touring stories. When One Direction decided to get back together their original backup band was no longer available, all of them either forming their own bands, or getting jobs with other bands, so the guys asked if he'd ask the band that backed him while he did his solo stint to back them up. Thank God they were happy to do it. Harry loves that his old life and new has merged.

"Hey guy's, have you decided which songs you're going to sing during your set?" Liam asks, knowing they can't sing them all.

"Definitely Million Reasons, it's the only song keeping you guys out of the number one spot in the charts right now." Jay Jay says with a smile. "I think Jackie has added Believer and Rise Up, but other than that I don't remember right now." He says.

"What do those songs sound like?" Harry asks.

"You mean you didn't buy her album?" Niall snaps.

"No, I did." Harry says quickly. "I just haven't been able to bring myself to listen to the whole thing. Hell, Million Reasons about killed me." He says.

Niall shakes his head. "Then Thunder will have you laughing your ass off, especially the second verse." He says with a smirk. "She killed it with that one. In fact I can't wait for some our old classmate's to hear that one live, I want to be front and center just to see the look on their faces." He cackles.

Harry's eyes widen. "I've got hear that song now."

"Hang on." Drew says, stopping Harry from grabbing his phone. "Wait until soundcheck, I'll get her to do it then, it'll sound better that way."

Harry nods. "I hope you're right."

"Trust me kid, it'll blow your socks off." Ken says.

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