Chapter 4

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The next day Jeff slips into the studio and leans against the wall listening to the boys. Looks like they got quite a bit done, the song they're working on now sounds pretty good.

Harry glances over at Liam when he stops singing, when he sees the frown on his face he taps Louis' arm. "What is it Li?" He asks.

Liam shakes his head. "Not sure, something sounds off here. I just can't put my finger on it."

"Okay, let switch it up like we did last year with Drag Me Down." Niall says. "Louis you sing that part, I'll do yours, Liam can do mine, Harry can keep his since it's working." He suggests.

They all nod and write notes on their lyric sheets, but before restarting Louis sees Jeff. "Hey Jeff, what's up?"

"Boys, I went by your condo, figured I'd find you here since no one answered the door." Jeff smiles. "That sounds pretty good, is it one of the new songs?" He asks?

"Yeah, this Jack dude is fucking amazing." Louis says. "Did you talk to his manager about meeting us?"

Jeff smiles. "Her. And yes, I spoke with him and her both."

Harry looks at Jeff like he's lost his mind. "What do you mean her? Are you trying to tell us the person who has been writing us hit after hit is a woman?"

Jeff laughs. "No, she's a young lady about your age." Then his smile disappears and they all can see the anger flicker in his eyes. "I don't know if she goes to public schools or whether she's home schooled or not, but whatever the case, someone has been mistreating that girl." Jeff growls. "Oh she tried to cover the damage with makeup, but I could see through it. I swear if I ever find out any of you." Jeff starts to say, but is cut off when Harry raises his hand.

"Will never happen, in fact we stopped some of the guys we used to hang with when they were picking on a kid the other day." Harry says. "So did Jack agree to meet with us?"

"Told her to think about it. I have this sneaky suspicion no one knows who she is. Like the "work/public" her looks and acts totally different than what you get in her private life." Jeff says. "But I also have a feeling all that's about to change." As soon as those words are out of his mouth his phone rings.
"Hello Jason now why would you be calling me on a Saturday?" Jeff asks, putting his phone on speaker so the boys can hear the conversation.

"I just thought you'd like to know Jack has agreed to meet your clients. She'd like to do it soon, like really soon." Jason says. "I've scheduled her her first ever live interview for Tuesday. Sorry I'm not giving you much time." He says.

Liam gets Jeff attention and points at his watch. Nodding Jeff understands. "Hey, Jason? Do you think she'd meet them today? They're in the studio, it's in the same building as my office."

Jason chuckles. "I guess we both had the same idea, she's nodding. So if I'm right with my assumptions I just told the boys we'll be there soon." He says causing everyone to laugh. "Give us ten minutes, we're at my office."

"Will do, young Harry will be waiting at the front door for you, so he can show you the way down." Jeff say, but he also thinks she's cute and perfect for Harry.

Harry jogs up the stairs, never using the elevator unless necessary, to unlock the door for their guests. When he gets there he sees a beautiful, copper colored Bugatti Veyron pull up. When the driver's door opens and one of the smallest and most beautiful girls he's ever seen gets out, he wishes she was who visiting, he then watches as an older man meets her on the sidewalk and they make their way in his direction. No way, he thinks as he opens the door for them.

"Harry?" Jason asks as they step inside the door.

"Yes sir." Harry says politely. "Mr. Johnston, if you and Miss Tay would follow me I'll show you where the studio is and the others are."

"Lead the way my boy, and please, call me Jason, and that's Jack." Jason says.

Harry glances down at the girl beside him and sees her nod, there's something about her that's familiar, he just can't figure it out. Maybe he will before she leaves. "Right this way, the guys are in here, we were working on the songs Jack wrote for us."

Jacqueline looks up at Harry. "Really? Can I hear some of it please?"

Harry looks at the others, when he sees their shrugs he nods. "Sure, we've never had guests before but then I guess you're special." He says with a smile as he walks behind the glass and slips his headphones on. As soon as they get done with the first song Harry looks up, when he sees the tears in Jack's eyes he realizes who she, not only, reminds him of, but who she is.

Jacqueline reaches up to wipe away the tears threatening to fall from her eyes when she sees the look Harry's giving her. He knows who she is, she thinks. "Thank you, you guys have always been able to do amazing things with my lyrics." She says, he voice shaking with emotion. "But that was truly beautiful, I can't wait to hear what you do with the other ones."

Harry places his hand on her arm. "Being able to relay your beautiful words to world with our music is our pleasure, Jacqueline." He says, using her full name, shocking the others.

The dam broke, tears rush down her cheeks. "Thank you." She whispers, forgetting about her black eye.

"What the fuck! Did Brad do that?" Louis snaps as Harry looks at the bruise a bit closer. "I'm going to kick his fucking face in."

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