-Chapter 9: Lectures-

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When they arrived back at headquarters, Tony grabbed Y/N and Bruce to lecture them. Thor reassured Tony that Loki would be dealt with. He kept his word. Thor pulled Loki to the roof so he could talk to him in private. 

"Loki, I need to talk to you about your behavior," Thor started. "Really? I thought it would be about the Burger King incident," Loki smiled. Thor remained silent and pressed his lips together. "There's something wrong," He concluded as he accusatively pointed at Loki. "Mayhaps," Loki shrugged. 

"You're doing something. I just haven't figured out what it is yet," Thor said. Loki's smile got a bit wider. He shrugged 'unknowingly'. "Don't know," This made Thor even more suspicious. "You know something I don't. Don't you?" Thor guessed. Loki looked up, as to not make eye contact. "No, you're just overthinking it," Loki finally said as he looked back at Thor. While Thor constructed a sentence in his mind, he noticed that Loki's smile had slowly faded. He took a deep breath in. "I don't think I am," Thor argued.

"You despise physical contact yet Tony told me that you harassed Y/N from up close," Thor accused Loki. When Loki didn't answer but instead stared at Thor, Thor felt inclined not to argue further and sighed. "Leave the girl alone and let her do her job. She will be an affecting factor in our mission," Thor told Loki. 

"Don't tell me what to do, brother," 

Thor shot Loki a glare which directly battled Loki's. "You have no idea who she is," Loki insisted. Thor stared at Loki. "She is helping us with our mission and mark my words, brother," Thor spat.

"She is being more helpful to me than you have been in your whole life," Thor turned around and left, slamming the metal door behind him.

Loki sharply inhaled and didn't feel an immediate urge to breathe out. Wide-eyed, he quickly rubbed his stinging eyes with his shaky hands and turned away from the door. The wind forcefully blew in his face as he stared over the skyline of New York. He blinked a few times more than normal and let his glassy eyes roam as he tried to forget.

"You were hungry at midnight, so you took Loki with you without notifying any of us?" Tony asked and cocked an eyebrow. "Well, when you say it like that it doesn't sound that good," Y/N admitted with a yawn. "No, I feel pretty bad actually," Bruce agreed as he shared a mutual look with Y/N.  "If it was only you, you'd be fired," Tony hissed and pointed at Y/N who slowly lifted her hands. "But Bruce is an accomplice so my hands are tied," He sneered at Bruce.

"Why are you being so stuck up?" Bruce asked suddenly. Tony was taken aback but decided to answer truthfully. "Look, Fury put me in charge of the team. The team includes you, Y/N and the other one," Tony explained. "You mean Loki," Y/N corrected. "As I said: the other one,"

"We need all of you here when the aircraft ships us off and you guys are stressing me the absolute F*CK out," Tony barked. "Okay, we're sorry we didn't eat breakfast and then grew hungry toward the end of the day," Y/N apologized. "It won't happen again," She reassured. "It won't because if it does, you won't enter this building ever again," Tony reassured on his turn. 

When Tony stomped away, Y/N looked at Bruce. "He can't be that mad about us sneaking out, there must be something else, right?" She whispered. "Yeah, there is something else," He agreed before standing up. "Back to work, I guess?" He asked as Y/N began to walk away. "Yep," She yawned. "Maybe you should take a break. We're leaving tomorrow," Bruce suggested. "That's why I need to make sure everything is working," She said before walking away. Bruce shook his head in disapproval before yawning himself. "Then I'ma get some sleep for her," He told himself before walking to his room.

Y/N stumbled toward the lab. Before she reached it, she crashed into a wall and tried to keep herself on her feet. She was exhausted. Y/N hadn't slept in days. She was wide awake trying to get all her data transferred to the computer because as soon as she got on that plane, she wouldn't be able to access that computer ever again. If the virus wasn't complete, she could just give up right then and there. It took her all of her mental strength to push herself off that wall and walk toward the mess that was her work. 

Once inside the dimly lit lab and sit down at her desk. She turned on the screen of her computer and flinched at the light. Eyes half-open and her mind roaming around, she vigorously began typing in codes. It was almost disgusting how brain-washed she looked. When she typed in the last code before her screen turned black. She smiled. The computer had fully installed the virus and was now slowly passing it on. 

She smiled for a second before letting her face slam onto the desk and falling asleep on the spot. 

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