-Chapter 13: Amour?-

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The black van stopped right in front of a five-star hotel. The driver got out and hurried to the side of the van. He slid open the side door with an elegant movement and out stepped Tony. "It's the best I could do in such short notice," He apologized as the rest slowly began stepping out. 

The hotel was a pretty standard five-star hotel. That didn't stop Y/N and Steve from being astonished. Steve had a little apartment in New York which he could barely afford and Y/N was raised in a lab. It was big and had an overall sleek design with a white exterior. While Steve and Y/N gawked at the building, Tony stepped inside. After he was greeted by the staff he administrated and asked for key-cards. 

Just when the front-desk man was about to ask for the number of rooms, Tony turned his head to the entrance. The word 'Eight' was lingering in his mouth but then he saw Y/N talking to Loki. She was in awe, looking at the interior of the hotel and Loki was softly smiling at her. As a smirk slowly made its way to his face, he turned his face back to the man.

"Seven rooms, please," 

"Look at that f*cking golden monkey," Y/N gawked as she pointed at a golden sculpture of a monkey. "F*cking art, appreciate it!" She told Loki. "Asgard is made of gold. You do know that, right?" Loki asked. "But you guys don't have a sculpture of a monkey," Y/N argued. "Okay, sure, but-" Loki looked at Y/N who grew a wide grin. "What?" Loki asked. "Nothing," Y/N denied and walked toward Tony who was holding the key-cards. Reluctantly, Loki followed Y/N.

"A card for you and a card for you," Tony mumbled as he started to hand out the key-cards. He gave the final one to Y/N and walked away. Loki frowned. "Why didn't I get one?" He asked Tony.

Tony turned around to look at Loki. "I figured since you love to cuddle up with Y/N, you two would like to share a room," he shrugged. "Antony, that is highly improper," Loki argued. "No, that's 2013. Get used to it," Tony said as he flipped his sunglasses on. "We are inside, Stark," Loki hissed. "So? I look hella cool," Tony shrugged with a toothy grin. 

"You don't even sleep," Thor remarked from the other side of the hotel. "Thor, this doesn't concern you!" Loki yelled at Thor. He smiled, waved at Loki and scurried away. Loki looked shocked. "Is everyone high on something?" Loki finally asked. "That guy keeps flipping on his sunglasses and my brother just ran away from me, from a distance mind you, after smiling at me like an idiot!" Loki exclaimed.

Y/N noticed Loki's distress. "Okay, I guess we'll go up and open a window for you," Y/N proposed as he touched Loki's shoulder. Loki immediately slapped Y/N's hand away and took a few steps away from her. "I am not associating with any of you until I'm back on that plane," Loki hissed as he pointed at everyone.

A moment of silence and intense staring passed before everyone shrugged and walked to the elevator, leaving Loki alone in the lobby. Stunned but too stubborn to ask for any help, he huffed and took sat down on the carpeted floor against a wall. Arms folded and a constant frown. Hours passed and Loki hadn't moved even the slightest bit. Eventually, Thor got worried and went back down to check if Loki was still there.

And he was.

"Are you doing well, brother?" Thor asked as he slid down the wall and plopped down next to Loki. "I'm doing swimmingly," Loki said passive-aggressively. Thor sighed. "Look, Tony was just picking on you. I'm sure he had no ill intent," Thor tried. "Really?" Loki asked sarcastically. "Because I'm sure everyone adores me," He huffed. "You're kind of a jerk," Thor admitted. "Of course, I am! That's my whole aesthetic!" Loki exclaimed with violent hand gestures. 

"Maybe you need to set your pride aside and knock on Y/N's door," Thor suggested. "I will sit on this dirty floor," Loki almost immediately said as Thor rolled his eyes. "Until we go back into that black van and drive away to salvation," Loki crossed his arms. "Cool. Don't do that," Thor advised. "She's very kind. She'll understand, let you in and you guys can talk about Shakespeare," Thor smiled. "I'm not doing that," Loki repeated. Thor stood up with a sigh. "Her room number is 812," He said as he left to go back to his room and get some rest. 

"HeR rOoM nUmBeR iS 812," Loki repeated.

But the longer Loki sat alone, the longer he longed for some human interaction. He knew he would be in a bad mood if he let his pride be consumed by his boredom. He needed attention. So he angerly got up and stomped toward the elevator and slammed the eight-button. He stepped inside, twitched his eye at the elevator music and stepped out when the metal doors slid open again. 

Loki kept staring at the number on Y/N's door. Was he really going to do this? Really? 


Yes really. 

He knocked on the door and waited. A moment later, the door slowly opened and Y/N's head poked out. When she saw who it was, she grinned widely. "Wow," She smirked. Loki didn't seem to be amused. "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me-"

"Yeah, okay," Loki grumbled as he pushed Y/N aside and entered the room. "Don't push me," Y/N said as she closed the door. "I can do what I want," Loki grumbled. "You are so ignorant sometimes!" Y/N complained. "No, you're just being sensitive," Loki argued. Y/N took offense to that. "I thought we were getting along!" Y/N exclaimed. "I don't get along with anyone," Loki told her. Y/N fell silent, trying to formulate a response.

"God, you're such a Pop-tart!" She eventually yelled. "Take that back!" Loki yelled back, not sure of what a Pop-tart was. But it sounded like an insult. "Make me, green boi!" Y/N hissed. Loki fell quiet and stared at Y/N. He started walking toward her as Y/N cautiously started walking backward. Suddenly he flew forward, grabbing Y/N's wrists as he did. He slammed her against the door and pinned her hands beside her head. 

"Listen here, deary," He growled into her ear making chills run through her. "I'm in a very bad mood," He told her. "If you were anybody else, I would've thrown you out the window just to see how'd you fall," He squeezed her wrists harder and softly pressed his lips on the nape of her neck. "Let's not do that," He smiled before backing away and pressing his lips on hers. 

Y/N's head began to get dizzy as blood rushed through her veins. She couldn't! She couldn't get emotionally attached! She told herself that. But before she knew it, she let him kiss her and even started kissing back. Hydra, the responsibilities just faded then and there. Loki lowered her arms and put them around his neck. 

It seemed that both had forgotten their place. Because not even a minute after Loki deepened the kiss, he suddenly realized the weight of the situation he had just created. So he backed away. "Wowowow, no no no, this is not happening," He nervously chuckled as he backed away from her. Y/N, quite disheveled and confused, frowned. "What," She asked out of breath. Loki started to chuckle nervously as he walked in circles. "I can't do this. Not with you," 

"Okay, rude," Y/N commented. "It's not that you're not-" Loki stopped mid-sentence to look at Y/N. He dazed off as he kept staring at her. Y/N looked down at herself and back at Loki. "Yo," She said, snapping Loki out of his daze. "-that you're not attractive," Loki finished his sentence as if he didn't just stare at Y/N for the past 15 seconds. 

"It's just that I'm a god and you're just a Midgardian woman," Loki explained with the same nervous chuckle. "..." Y/N narrowed her eyes and pulled the 'what-the-f*ck-is-that-supposed-to-mean' face. 

"Your bipolar looking a$$ can sleep on the ground," Y/N stated as she switched the lights off. Loki sighed. "No, wait, Y/N-" "Goodnight," Y/N said and laid down in the Queen sized bed. She turned her back to Loki. She heard him sigh and eventually, she heard him sit down on the ground. 

An hour of complete silence passed. And then, suddenly:

"Y/N, the floor is cold. Can I please lay down next to you?" Y/N, who was wide awake, sighed as Loki's question. "Don't get under the covers," She groaned. She heard Loki stand up. Against Y/N's will, Loki got under the covers. "What did I just say?" Y/N asked as she turned on her back. "I'll do what I want," Loki argued and turned on his side, away from Y/N. "FFFFFFFINE!" Y/N exclaimed and turned away from Loki. 

Loki X Reader: IophiliaWhere stories live. Discover now