-Chapter 4: Inspiration-

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"How quaint. A guest," Loki suddenly said. 

Y/N backed away from the glass. Social anxiety got the best of her and she kept her mouth shut. Loki and Y/N kept staring at each other. "Great," Loki continued after a while of uncomfortable staring. "I got the quiet one," He complained as he narrowed his eyes. "I am new here, I don't really-" "Oh awesome. They lowered their standards for new recruitments by at least 75%," Loki snickered making Y/N feel slightly humiliated. "You know, I just wanted to help SHIELD but before I could even attempt to help they threw me in this replica of my previous cell," Loki complained further as he began walking around in his glass cell.

"You Midgardians are so ignorant," Loki sneered. "I'm sorry they put you in a cell, but it's not like I can do anything about it," Y/N silently said. "I'm pretty sure you could," Loki spat with a forced grin as he looked over his shoulder toward Y/N. She looked rather cautious. "Also, you buttoned up your shirt the wrong way," Loki said as he turned away from her. Y/N looked down, saw that the button of her shirt was wrongly buttoned up and quickly rebuttoned it. 

"Well that's just plain rude," Y/N mumbled as she buttoned her shirt up. "I am literally locked up in an indestructible cell," Loki pointed out as he fumbled with his fingers behind his back. "Right, but what did I do to you?" Y/N asked as a strand of hair fell in front of her eyes. "You're one of them, ergo, I don't like you," Loki simply stated. 

"Right," Y/N softly said as she backed away from the glass even further. As she backed away, she saw the control panel beside her. As she studied the buttons and the overall layout, Loki had turned around and was intently staring at her. 'She does not belong here of all places,' He thought. 

"I should go-" Y/N said as she looked up only to see Loki staring at her again. "Can you not?" She kindly asked. "Can I not what?" Loki asked with a slight grin on his face. "I-... nevermind," She let it go and turned around. "Say 'hi' to Thor for me, will you?" Loki asked before she completely disappeared. "..." She remained silent and kept walking away.

Once outside the chamber, she decided to immediately head where Hill told her to go. "Yo!" She suddenly heard. She turned around and saw Tony walking up to her with both of his hands in his pockets. "Y/N, right," he asked as he began to walk next to her. "Yeah," she answered with a soft smile. "Right. Thor told me that you were talking with Loki. He was pretty concerned about you and he should be! Loki is a real son of a b*tch," Tony said. "He didn't get to you, did he?" He asked and looked at her. "He told me I didn't button up my shirt the right way," Y/N sighed.

Tony checked her shirt as she said that. "You fixed it?" He asked with a grin. "You knew?" Y/N folded her arms over her chest. "I mean, I noticed," Tony shrugged. "You guys could've told me," she mumbled as Tony snickered. "Don't worry, the rest probably didn't even notice," he reassured her. Y/N chose to believe Tony over her own demons and together they walked to the main hall.

"Oh, she buttoned up her shirt correctly," Steve said as they entered. "Oh sh*t, she did," Clint agreed as he checked the buttons on Y/N's shirt from afar. Y/N slowly turned her head toward Tony who had decided to put on his sunglasses and turn his head away. The Avengers were sitting at their table and talking about what this 'secret' mission could be.

"Obviously we're leaving with the airship in a few days. I saw the staff prepping for the flight. It's going to be overseas. My guess is somewhere around Asia," Bruce guessed as he turned round and round with his swivel chair. "Cool, but there are no threats in Asia. At least, nothing we can deal with at the moment," Natasha argued. "Terrorists?" Clint guessed with a shrug. "Ugh, don't even," Tony gagged as he plopped down in his chair. 

"Maybe the threat isn't happening yet?" Argued Bruce. "So SHIELD knows about an attack or a threat and they want us to be there just in case? Maybe that's why they're not telling us anything..." Natasha pondered as she leaned back in her chair with her arms folded. "100% plausible. They don't want to put us on edge if they're not sure," Steve agreed with their theory. 

As they were arguing about the mission, Y/N carefully listened and took mental notes. As she looked around, she noticed that Thor was quietly sitting in his chair. Seeing as there was an empty chair next to him, she plopped down into it and decided to conversate. "Hey," She greeted. He looked at her, kindly smiled but decided not to answer. "So, I talked to Loki," She tried to get him to talk and bringing up his brother seemed to do the trick. "I know," He sighed. "He didn't get to you?" He asked almost immediately after. Y/N decided to leave the shirt incident out of the conversation. "No," She answered.

"Loki is-" Thor looked for the right words. "-Very unstable," He sighed eventually. "He likes to be alone but also be the center of attention," He tried to explain. "He's a diva," He bluntly stated, making Y/N nod lightly. "If he could, he would make 'to Loki someone' a real verb," Thor raised both of his eyebrows. "And then decide to use it in every sentence he ever makes," Y/N chuckled. 

"What does 'to Loki someone' mean?" She asked out of curiosity. "To stab someone in the back repeatedly or to be so fabulous that the other person looks like literal dirt beside them. I haven't decided yet," Thor shrugged.

"Right. So what's going to happen to him?" She asked. "Hand to Odin, I have no idea," Thor honestly answered and looked up. "He's probably going to sit in that cell until I have returned from my mission. Yet I believe that he could be helpful in the upcoming mission. I would've let him out by now if he didn't try to betray me so many times," Thor huffed. 

"I think you should let him help you guys," Y/N shrugged. "You know," Y/N  smiled, thinking she could lighten the mood. "Maybe get him a shock collar. Dog owners sometimes need to take extra-disciplinary measures for the dangerously misbehaving dogs," She joked.

Thor stared at the ceiling. Then his eyes suddenly widened and he jerked his head toward Y/N with a grin. She did not understand the meaning behind Thor's growing grin until she went back in her mind and replayed the conversation in her head. "No," She immediately told Thor when he stood up. "That's not what I meant!" She exclaimed as he grabbed Tony's arm and tossed him over his shoulder like a firefighter. "HEY!" Tony protested. "LET ME GO, YOU RUTHLESS VIKING!" He yelled at Thor.

"To the land of Petsmart we go!" Thor shrieked and ran out the door with Tony slung over his shoulder. "SOMEBODY, HELP ME!" Were Tony's last words before both of them disappeared. Everyone turned to Y/N. "How come Thor knows what Petsmart is?" Steve asked with a huff. "He's been here for a week in total and I've been here for a few months and I DID NOT KNOW WHAT IT WAS UNTIL SOMEONE TOLD ME!" He passive-aggressively yelled at Natasha. "Dude, you did not ask," She said in her defense. Y/N wasn't even listening to their conversation. 

"Oh no," She mumbled.

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