-Chapter 15: Rejection-

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"Nuh-uh," Y/N mumbled against Loki's lips as she pushed him an inch away. "Get your bipolar lookin' a$$ off my lips." Loki grinned as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Oh come on, both of us enjoyed what was unfolding last night," He tried to get closer but she put her hands on his shoulders and kept him at a distance. "What happened between then and now?"

"You threw away my favorite hoodie, fam," 

Loki's expression turned to a slightly annoyed eye roll. "You can't just go through this like a god. You need to compromise with me," Y/N told Loki. "Can't I just kiss you and appreciate the fact that a person actually wants to kiss me for once?" Loki asked with a smile. "..." Y/N narrowed her eyes. "No, we're gonna talk this out," Y/N argued after staring at Loki's fake pout. 

"Last night you said I was just a Midgardian woman," Y/N started as Loki sighed. "Now you've prepared a meal for a whole army and arranged a pedicure on my name. So I want you to tell me what you want to achieve-" "Trust me, Y/N. If Thor knew what I wanted to achieve in the end, I wouldn't have been in this situation," Loki told her coldly. 

Y/N frowned and looked down. "Loki," She sighed. "Thanks for the breakfast," She started. "But if you can't give me a clear answer, I am going to force myself to walk away," When Loki didn't speak up but rather gave her a lost look, she sighed and broke their physical contact. As she glid out Loki's grip, she turned her head away and started walking back toward the elevator. Loki stopped himself from taking a step toward her as she hugged herself and power-walked away. 

When she turned the corner, she stumbled against someone. She let out a yelp and backed away. Loki heard her so he quickly ran toward her. He reached for his dagger as he did, but as he did he remembered Thor had his weapons. But it was not needed.


Natasha nervously grinned and awkwardly waved at Y/N. "Hey, Y/N," She slowly said. "What're you doing here?" Loki asked with a threatening frown. "At least it's only her and not the whole group," Y/N told Loki as she pushed him away from Nat. "Yes, just me," She nervously repeated. Now Y/N joined Loki and glared at Natasha. "Where're they?" 

"I'll never snitch on my team!" Natasha told them. As Loki and Y/N intensely glared at Natasha, she looked up from a millisecond before looking back at the pair. So Y/N and Loki did the math and looked up. Above the building circled a helicopter. "That's just ridiculous, even for me," Loki said. "How did we not see that?" Y/N asked Loki with a sigh. "How did we not hear that?" Loki asked the better question. 

"Tony experimented with the idea of a silent helicopter," Y/N explained as they kept looking up. "With the idea?" Loki repeated as he looked at Y/N. "Then what is it doing above our heads?" Y/N looked at Loki and shrugged. "I don't know," she answered.  

"Mission is compromised, retreat," Natasha whispered as she pressed a button on her earpiece. "No can do, Romanoff, we're already eating!" Y/N looked at Loki. "Who's guarding your 'over the top' buffet, anyway?" Y/N asked Loki. "..." Loki opened his mouth and then closed it again as he looked up. "I was," 

The three looked at each other before Loki bolted back toward the buffet. "Oh, you sons of b*tches. He worked hard on that," Y/N groaned as she walked toward the elevator to take a nap from all this drama. "It's free food, what'd you expect," She heard Natasha yell before the elevator doors shut.

"Brother." Loki barked as he saw Thor attack the potato salad. "Brother," Thor said with a full mouth. "I paid a chef to prepare all of this and you're just going to eat it with all your friends?" Loki asked and folded his arms. "...Well yes," Thor nodded. "She's not going to," He said as he stuffed even more potato salad in his mouth. Loki grumbled. "So you knew she wouldn't forgive me and you waited until you could swoop in and eat the food?" Loki asked. "Pretty much," Tony said from a distance as he loaded up on the bacon. 

"You were 10 steps ahead of everyone and for the first time, you fell off the stairs, brother," Thor commented as Loki stared ahead. His stare was blank. "Lighten up, brother. We'll be on the plane in two hours. Forget about the intern," Thor tried to comfort Loki. 

Suddenly the group heard a loud bang. "What was that?" Clint asked as he put down his plate with a pile of pancakes. "That didn't sound good," Bruce remarked. "We need to go downstairs!" Steve said. "But bacon," Tony argued. "The bacon can wait," Steve told Tony.

"But bacon," Tony whined. "Tony, you could afford a ranch full of pigs, get your priorities straight!" Bruce said as he stood up. "Fine, but don't you think for a second that I'm not coming back for that plate of bacon," Tony groaned.

Loki looked a bit dazed. "What's wrong?" Bruce asked as Loki glanced at him. "Y/N is downstairs," He told him. "Crud, right," Bruce said. "Well, then Loki and I shall take a short cut." Thor smiled as he grabbed Loki by the arm and ran toward the edge of the roof. 

"Thor, no," Loki sighed. "This is worse than 'Get Help'" Loki whined as they stood at the edge. "Too bad," Thor smiled. "NOT LIKE THIS!" Loki shrieked as Thor tossed him off the roof and jumped immediately afterward. 

"...An efficient way to get down." Steve remarked after a while. "I'll take the stairs, however," And thus, everyone except the specials space boys went down the stairs.

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