-Chapter 22: The return-

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"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Y/N said for the 100th time and drew paper. Loki drew scissors, winning again. "You're cheating," She finally concluded and jumped on my bed to lay down. Loki's mirage shrugged with a grin. "Guess you could say I'm scissoring my way to victory-" "You dirty felon," She said in disgust in shook my head. 

"You said I should try to sound more like common folks," Loki argued. "I have never used that sentence in my life," Y/N told him and grabbed a book to read. "Steve said Thor would come to check up on me. When's that gonna happen?" She asked and put her bookmark aside. "My brother is unpredictable. He could make you wait for months," This made Y/N nervous. Loki wasn't planning to leave her alone, therefore she could not plot her next move in peace. He was up to something. 

"I'm truly surprised that they haven't removed that collar around your neck yet," Y/N said, trying to change the subject. "They haven't zapped me since the New York accident," Loki pointed out. "That's something," She agreed before the door flew open. "Alright, Y/N, I need you to answer some-" Thor said before really looking inside the room. 

"Hello," Loki sang and waved at his brother. 

"Loki you can't-" Thor sighed in disappointment before continuing. "-You can't just appear in her room so you guys can talk. That defeats the purpose of being grounded. You can't reflect on the things you've done," Thor explained. "Get out of here," He said. Loki shrugged but disappeared in a green glow. "And you," Thor said and pointed at Y/N. "Follow me," 

Thor had seated Y/N at a table before starting to ask her questions. "You need to give me more than just his eye color," Thor said after Y/N had described the Hydra agent. "I can't give you more than Loki gave you. He's literally a god who has better vision than I'll ever have," She answered. Steve had decided to join the interrogation because he felt as if Thor went too soft on both of them. "Yes, but you're a human and he is not. I think you can detect if something is off or different. Loki didn't even know the difference between Siri and an actual person up until a week ago," Steve said. "You know something he doesn't and I need you to dig deep in yourself or else we'll give you more time to think about it in your room," 

Obviously she didn't want to rat on her own team. Hydra specifically told her not to share critical information. However, she got the feeling that the Avengers themselves would deem her useless if she didn't answer quickly. "You know," She eventually sighed. "His left arm, even though it was covered up, seemed a bit off to me," She nonchalantly said. 

Steve didn't get good vibes from that. "What does that mean?" He asked pushing Thor a bit to the side so he could stare her right in the eyes. "I mean too accurate yet static to be human," Y/N answered. "What are you suggesting?" He asked. "I don't know. That his arm might not be flesh and bone," 

Steve took some time to analyze what she had just said. "It couldn't be," Steve mumbled. "But how did Hydra...?" He sighed deeply while Thor just awkwardly stood beside him. "Y/N," Steve said. "Yes?" Y/N answered. "Get up, grab your boyfriend-" "He's not my boyfriend," "-We are going to find that man," Steve commanded. "Wait, why are you taking Loki too? She knows how he looks!" Thor argued. "Because she can't fend for herself and I don't feel like babysitting her while I'm dealing with Bu-That Hydra agent," Steve explained.

"But why Loki?" Thor asked. "Because you guys have a mission in about an hour. I won't be back in an hour," Steve said and pushed Y/N out of her chair. "Also two witnesses are better than one," Steve shrugged.

A few minutes passed and suddenly two motorbikes could be spotted in the dusty hills. Unrecognizable by their black helmet and bulletproof jackets Tony designed with the help of Y/N. It also had some fun little tricks it could do like detect enemies, keep everyone in contact with each other through an additional earpiece, serve as a life jacket and so much more. Steve was in front, guiding the two others to the same market place where they were attacked. This time, Steve took a rode which was a little bit more discrete. On the other motorcycle, Y/N sat in front while Loki held on tight on the back. 

Apparently Steve didn't trust a supervillain with a motorcycle. 

"What's the plan, captain?" Y/N asked while they drove through a tiny street. "Backtrack and see what clues we can get from the locals,"  Steve answered. It was their best bet. The market moved a few streets away from the usual spot for security reasons. That place didn't have any security cameras so they couldn't really check those. Luckily for them, most of the locals did, in fact, understand English. Some of the older merchants didn't but they seemed to have a reaction when they saw Loki. The merchant at the jam shop even started cursing at Loki in Turkish. 

"Well, we know he came from the left and disappeared to the right," Y/N said in an overly enthusiastic tone. "That's super helpful," She sighed. "Maybe we should approach this differently," Steve suggested rubbing his forehead. 

"Or not," Loki suddenly said, looking to the right. Within the crowd of people, one stood out. Now in a brown coat but with the same Hydra logo stitched on the left pocket. The look in his eye could clearly indicate that he wasn't quite done with the Avengers yet. 

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