-Chapter 11: Take-off-

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Y/N almost instantaneously shrieked and pushed herself up and away from Loki. Loki, on his side, was shocked but also quite fearful. If anybody saw Y/N screaming at Loki, they'd accuse Loki of doing something he didn't even do. So before Y/N could make any more sound, Loki tackled her, pinned her on the floor and covered her mouth with his hand. "Shhh, shhh, SHHHHHH," He tried to calm her down but the intense eye-contact didn't do him any favors. 

"It's alright," He reassured calmly. Y/N slowly started to quiet down and eventually resorted to staring with wide-eyes. "I'm going to remove my hand and you're going to be nice and quiet, yes?" Loki asked quietly, never breaking the eye-contact. When he didn't get an answer, he slowly lifted his hand off her mouth and was relieved to see that she wasn't planning on screaming. "There you go," Loki cooed as he got off her. 

Y/N began to point at Loki with narrowed eyes. "What the f*ck?" She asked, clearly demanding an explanation. "I found you sleeping on your desk and-"


Loki immediately tensed up. He knew who it was, he didn't have to look behind him. It was Thor. "I asked you one thing," Thor sneered as he walked past Loki and toward Y/N. "To leave Y/N alone," He repeated as he reached out his hand to help Y/N get up. "And you went behind my back and hugged her for the whole night," Thor said, finally turning around to look at Loki. "I was only trying to help," Loki stated as he stood up. "Loki, if you so badly want to help everyone out then the best thing you can do is stay out of their way. You should've gotten the hint when you couldn't carry her to her room." Thor calmly said. 

"I'm a bad b*tch, you can't kill me," Loki spat. Thor remained silent for a moment. "Excuse me?" He asked with slight annoyance. "Have you been studying Vines?" Y/N asked with a frown. "What else am I to do in this rachet building?" Loki sneered at Y/N before she backed away. Loki looked at the ground with a sigh.

"Pack up, we're leaving," Thor said as he left. "Motherf*cker, I came here without my daggers. No books, no clothes. What am I supposed to pack?" Loki asked, staring as Thor left without saying another word. Loki rolled his eyes and groaned. He turned around and realized Y/N was still there. He regained his posture and coughed. 

"So about Vine," Y/N started. "Get out," Loki demanded. Y/N nodded and scurried back to her desk to get her desk and was then rushed out by Loki's annoyed stare. "Well," Y/N joking said as she stood at the doorway. "I lo-" "Y/N, I appreciate your attempt to lift the mood, but I won't ask again," Loki grumbled, back faced to her. Y/N sighed and left.

But then she poked her head out again and said: "I loki think you're not that bad-" Y/N's complimentary pun was interrupted by a book flying toward her. She duck and the book hit the wall behind her, creating a big dent in the wall. Y/N's head jerked toward Loki who had folded his arms and shot her a death glare. 

"How come you can throw a book that hard but not be able to carry me?!" Y/N shrieked. "You want another one?" Loki calmly asked. "N-Nah, fam. See ya on the aircraft," Y/N nervously said and scurried off. When she was gone, Loki couldn't help but smile softly.

"Tony, for the last time. I don't have a Wattpad account. Stop asking for my username!" Bruce complained as he swung his bag around his shoulder. "Okay, not Wattpad. Fanfiction.com then?" Tony asked, typing in Fanfiction.com into the search bar of his phone. "I don't write fanfiction of the Avengers. Get over it!" Bruce yelled. "Sure you don't, buddy," Tony cooed supportively. Bruce groaned loudly before walking outside to get into the private plane. 

Tony put away his phone to make sure everyone got in. Staring at the sun behind the plane made him uncomfortable, so he put on his iconic sunglasses. The plane would take them to the country they had to be. Which, by the way, they didn't have any idea what country they were going to. And from there, they'd head to the base. 

Loki was the second the last coming out of the building. "Hey pillowcase, had a good night rest?" Tony asked as he prevented Loki from going up the stairs and into the plane. "You seem to be in a better mood," Loki remarked. "Had a night rest," Tony said. "You told Thor, I presume?" Loki asked. "He would've found out eventually," Tony shrugged. 

"Bite me, Antony," Loki said between gritted teeth. "Your collar suits your whole outfit," Tony smiled and patted Loki on the back. "Have a good flight," Loki raised his nose as Tony let him pass. Seconds after Loki got on the plane, Y/N came running out of the building. "Sorry! Sorry. I the security guard wouldn't let me through!" She apologized as she ran up to Tony with her overstuffed bag. "No problem at all, go right through," Tony told her. She smiled and walked up the stairs and into the plane.

Little be known to Tony and the rest of the crew, Y/N had been snooping around till the last second. The security guard she had spoken of hadn't disturbed. She had disturbed him.

Y/N was rushing down the hall, running toward the monitor sector. She knew no one would be there aside from one person. She dropped her bag at the door and grabbed a little plastic ball out of her pocket. She opened it. Inside was a little pin which she carefully placed on her hand. The sharp end pointing away from her hand. She harshly opened the door and marched inside. 

As she expected, only one person was inside, monitoring all the sectors. He turned around and frowned. "Hey! You're not allowed to be-" Y/N didn't let him finish. She kicked his chair, making him fall on the ground. She got down and harshly forced the pin into his neck. He didn't say a word.

Y/N backed away and took out her phone. She unlocked it and opened an app. "Subject 26, stand up," She said as she scrolled down the app. The security guard slowly stood up in a zombie-like trance. "Name, please?" She asked as she tapped on the 26th icon. "Jakob Amin," He answered clearly. "Straighten up, Jakob," Y/N hissed. Jakob puffed his chest out, appearing more natural. 

"Awesome, listen. You and 25 other people in this building are working for Hydra now," Y/N explained. "All I need you to do is keep me informed about any irregular or suspicious activity," She said. "If something were to go wrong or someone uncovers your true nature, you're going to hurry your a$$ to the nearest Hydra base," She told him. 

"If all else fails, there is a self destruct button that will blow you up," 

"Cool?" Y/N asked with a smile. "Understood," Jakob sternly answered. "Cool, go erase everything about this encounter and replace it with usable footage," Y/N said as she looked back at her phone and pointed at the camera. "Yes, Venefica," Jakob bowed and picked up the seat Y/N kicked. Y/N sighed and rubbed her temples before putting her phone back into her pocket. She went back out and grabbed her bag from the floor. 

Y/N stepped inside the plane and saw a few free seats. When she scanned the area, she saw that Loki had taken a seat and was looking out the window. No one was sitting across from him, so Y/N walked toward him and put her bag in the overhead compartment. Loki noticed her just as she was sitting down. "You can't sit there," He said. Y/N put on her belt. "Too bad, I just put my belt on," She smiled and leaned back. Seeing as there was no other place Loki could sit without sitting across from another Avenger, he stayed seated.

"Fear of flying?" Y/N asked. "No," Loki answered. "Dope, you're going to fed up with mine," Y/N said with a nervous smile. Loki smiled and folded his arms. "You have a fear of flying?" Loki grinned. "Oh, so that has gotten you excited, has it?" Y/N asked. "What can I say, I like suffering," Loki shrugged. "That's messed up, dude," Y/N chuckled. Loki smiled.

Little be known to Y/N that Loki had seen her enter the monitor sector. 

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