Scuba diving!

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I wake up and felt something heavy on my waist. I looked down and it was Jimin's arm resting there peacefully as he slept.  I gently removed it from my waist and got our if bed to get ready for the day ahead. I quietly got dressed then left the bedroom and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for us.

As I cooked the food there was a knock on the front door. I went to answer the door and when I opened it Raven was standing there.

"Come on in Raven the others are still asleep." I said and moved aside to let her in. She walked in and headed to the kitchen. I shut and looked the front door and headed back to the kitchen.

I resumed cooking breakfast while talking with Raven.

"Yeah Chad broke up with me by the way." Raven tells me.

"Oh. How come? You guys were such a cute couple." I asked.

"Apparently he was seeing another girl that we went to school with and she is now pregnant with his child." She says.

"That sucks Ray. I'm really sorry for you." I told her.

"Don't be. He was a jerk away. All you did was boss me around and hit me so he wasn't worth it." She sighed.

"Wait hold up. Did you say he would hit you?" I asked.

"Yeah. He did. I would try to make him stop but he wouldn't and after some time I released there was nothing I could do to stop him from hitting me." Raven says.

"Girl all you had to do was call me and I would've come all the way here to beat the shit out of him. No one and I mean no one hurts my friend. I guess I'll have to pay him a visit afterwards now will I." I told her.

"Thanks Moon. I knew I could count on you to have my back." She smiled.

"I always have your back. Your like a sister to me. A younger sister as a matter of fact. He is so going to regret laying a hand on you. And you'll come with me right?" I asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss you beating his sorry ass up in a heartbeat." She smiled widely.

"Good. We girls have to stick together and stand up for each other when one of us is going through shit." I told her.

"I hear you." She says and that's when the guys all came out. I looked at them and smiled.

"Good morning my princes." I smiled.

"Morning Moon." Yoongi says.

"What's Chad's cellphone number so I call him to set up a meeting with him tonight so I can beat the shit out of him?" I asked her.

"Oh it's 519-999-7123" Raven replied.

I called Chad's cellphone and thankfully he answered the phone.

"Hello?" He says.

"Chad it's Moon." I reply.

"Oh Moon. Long time. What can I do you for?" He asked.

"Remember how you said you wanted to have a fist fight with me when we were teens. Well I will take you up on your offer." I told him.

"Okay. It's a deal. Where and when?" He states.

"My place at 8:30 pm. In the back on the beach." I reply.

"I'll be there." He says.

"Good. Be prepared to get your ass kicked by a girl." I said and hung up the phone.

I put my phone down and put out our breakfast. We all ate in silence. Then Taehyung broke it.

"Moon, why are you going to have a fist fight with that Chad guy you called?" He asked.

"It's personal Tae." I reply.

"Okay. If you don't want to tell us that's fine. But we don't want you to get hurt Moon. That's all." Jungkook says.

"Jungkook, when I was younger I was a professional street fighter so I know how to fight. I'll be fine." I assured him.

"When was the last time you got into a fight?" Namjoon asked.

"About 4 days ago. Why?" I reply.

"Four days ago?!?! What in earth have you been up to when we aren't with you?" Jin asked.

"Chill Jin. It was apart of my gym workout. Don't get your underwear in a knot." I state.

After we finished eating we cleaned up and got ready to go scuba diving.

Once we were ready we all went out into the water and went scuba diving.

Time skip..

We're currently headed to the spot where we'll be going shark diving. The guys will be in a metal cage so they don't get hurt but Raven and I won't be in the cage. Because we both have our degrees in shark biology we have been trained for this kind of stuff.

Raven stopped the boat and her and I prepared the shark cage for the guys.

"Okay guys! The cage is ready for you all!" I called out to them. They all came over and got into the cage. Raven and I shut the cage door and lowered it further into the water. Then we threw in the dead fish to attract the sharks. Straight after doing that we both dove into the water just missing the cage.

We had gotten into the water at the perfect time because right after we got in the water the sharks came. 

There were many great white sharks there with us. A shark came up to me and I got to stroke its head. I looked to the guys then to Raven. Raven looked at me and nodded her head. We both swam over to the boat and got out of the water. We then pulled up the shark cage and helped the guys out of it. Once they all were safely on the boat Raven and I pulled the shark cage back onto the boat and then took off our scuba diving gear before helping the others take off their gear. Raven the headed to the control room to tell the captain that we are ready to head back to shore. When she came back we all sat down on the deck and just talked with each other.

"My I ask you two something?" Jungkook says.

"Go right ahead Jungkook." I replied.

"Why weren't you two in the cage with us?" He asked.

"Well you see Jungkook both Raven and myself have a major in marine and freshwater biology and we both have our scuba diving license there for we have the  training and the experience with sharks." I explained.

"Oh. That makes sense. But that doesn't explain why that one shark let you stroke its head tho." Namjoon says.

"True but the only reason it let me do that is because I have seen that shark multiple times and we have gotten used to each other's presence. That shark always knocks me off of my surfboard when I'm surfing but it only does it because it's happy to see me." I explained.

A/n: I know that this highly unlikely to happen but for the sake of this book just pretend that it is. Anyway on with the book.

"Your one lucky person then. " Jin says.

"That she is. You guys might not know this about Moon but she graduated top student  in all of her classes she was taking in university and in high school as well. She is one smart girl." Raven says.

"Really? What other degrees do you have Moon?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, let's see here I have my major in marine and freshwater biology, computer engineering, computer science, music, product design, game design, graphic design, and studio art." I told them.

"That is a lot." Hoseok says.

"Yes it is. I had a hard time with choosing one of those classes to take so my parents allowed me to take all of them." I explained.

"Was it hard?" Taehyung asked.

"No not really. When your smart like me it wasn't hard for me to graduate top of my classes." I reply.

"Well then I guess our little girl is something special then." Jin says.

A/n: what did you guys think. Sorry for how short it is. I'll be picking up the next chapter back at the house where Moon is getting ready for the fight. Bye!! 💜💜

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